Sunday, March 14, 2010

Gracie for Select Board signs

If anyone wants to put a Gracie sign in their yard, please email me at


Anonymous said...

I am politely going to decline Bill. If you want him so badly he must be liberal leaning or socialist.

I appreciate your beliefs but don't want more people like you running/ruining our town.

Bill Trimble said...

You obviously don't know Frank Gracie.
He will be an advocate for the taxpayer. Frank has served on the Budget and Revenue Task Force, the Privatization Committee and several others. He is intimately familiar with the workings of the town departments and the town budget as a result of his investigations for the mentioned committees. While serving on those committees, Frank spent many hours looking at ways to improve town government.
Frank is a life long Dartmouth resident (he grew up on George Street) and a retired engineer with Polaroid.

Anonymous said...

Actually Frank is a fiscal conservative retired business exec who stands for accountability. I think where Bill and Frank align is on the issue of accountability for tax dollars. I am supporting Frank because he will tell it as he sees it and will hold departments accountable for spending tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who believes Gracie is more liberal than his opponent should attend candidates night because they are sadly mistaken. McDonald is a seasoned school committee member so this begs the question. Do we want the school department to control the general government or not?

Anonymous said...

A vote for McDonald is a vote for the old boy club (Miller-George) that we've gotten rid of. And for School Committee control of all the town's money. I'll go with Gracie.

Anonymous said...

Privatization is exactley why I will not support him

Bill Trimble said...

Thanks to the Privatization Committee's suggestions, the town uses a bank lock box system to process payments which has cut costs in the collector's office. I believe that it was a suggestion to privatize the trash collection which lead the DPW to reduce the number of men on a trash collection truck from 3 to 2. I think that some of the cost saving changes at the library were due to loking at a private firm to run the system. Both instances have lead to significant cost reductions.
Frank has always held that privatization is a last resort and he is not for doing anything like it for the sake of doing it. His approach is to weigh the alternatives and choose the one that gives the best value to taxpayers.
For instance, I think the school department could save money by contracting out food service. That's not in my bailiwick as a Select Board member but I think the two candidates may have some position on the issue. That might be an interesting question to ask the candidates on candidate night. Do they think that is a good idea if it saves money?

Anonymous said...

The town worked hard to get rid of the good old boys. Let's not give them the opportunity to once again get their feet in the door.

Mr. McDonald as Select Board member will put the nail in the coffin and finalize the control of the school over the town. Then how much attention will the residents get? Ms. Stone is so pro-school (think pro-$8.5 million override) and Mr. Watson teaches history in New Bedford. How difficult might it be to get favorable votes for school issues? With Mr. McDonald on the Board, I don't think it would be too tough.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bill.

This election is all about credibility. I have typed more blog entries then anyone else, some get approved but for the most part they are not allowed to appear on this blog, and I don't blame Bill for not allowing them to appear. I'll tell you what is troubling me about this election. If you elect Miller/McDonald this town is on a one way track back into the future.

I like Gracie because he is a straight arrow. Bill/Gracie will vote on issues that are in the best interest of our town. I've never met Gracie, but I've witness him on DCTV and he is a decent person.
Except for Trimbles lefty views, I can't find fault with Trimble. As I see it, in the end and after all the dust settles, I'm glad that Trimble is a selectman. My reason for saying this is a reflection of all the BS that took place during the police promotions of captain, lieutenants, and sergeants to the police department. All the nasty anonymous letters, and the bad mouthing of candidates didn't phase Trimble at all. He knew that the annonymous allegations of certain police promotional candidates was BS and I mean Bull manure at it's best. I also enjoyed the non-political course you took with the wind turbines. Bill and people like him/Gracie, will be able to filter through all the BS and do the right thing. Good honest politicians are hard to find. I don't know the man, but if he is anything like Trimble, Gracie has my vote.

Bill, don't let this go to your head. I still stand ready to blast you if you so much as crack or do anything that appears to be political. So far you have been a non-political person doing what is right for our town. You do not have an agenda, if so.... it's to do the right thing. I'll be voting for Gracie, because you say so.

Anonymous said...

Bill said...I believe that it was a suggestion to privatize the trash collection which lead the DPW to reduce the number of men on a trash collection truck from 3 to 2.

Ask former mayor Tierney how that worked out...NOW ABC trash collects the trash and NB is short plows during the winter...before then garbage guys picked up trash in the morning and plowed at night.

There are somethings better left to government as Mayor Lang has said....Who would have thought our miltary would be privatized OR OUR JAILS...every aspect of government is being privatized...pretty soon we'll just hire executive administrators to run the country.

oh wait they are already BOUGHT!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill I believe you will find the school food service is self supporting.

Anonymous said...

Kenny Vincent and John George both have McDonald signs out. That's enough for me to vote Gracie.

Anonymous said...

I'm going with Gracie. McDonald has been an advocate for the schools for many, many years now. I think it would be difficult for him to be objective about any school matters. We already have Lara and Mike...#?!
Vote for Frank Gracie!

Anonymous said...

If Shawn McDonald gets elected it's a sure thing he will be the willing third vote for school stuff, without even giving it a second thought. School is too ingrained in him.

Go Frank Go said...

I'm voting for Frank Gracie but he needs to start campaigning.

Anonymous said...

McDonald has never been a member of the old boy club and I say prove it! He has supported many former Selectmen and been at odds with some of the same over issues. I know he sill work well with the existing board including you, Bill. He may agree with everyone all the time, but he has always been fair. I've known Shawn since he entered politics in Town and I am glad he is running. Some people on the blog are selling him short because he is coming from the school committee, but you are wrong. He has more of a varied experience in town government than Frank and I know he will do a good job on the select board.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Mr. McDonald is a vote to raise taxes.

Anonymous said...

Hey, can we afford the extra taxation?

Anonymous said...

Can we afford FDK? How will we pay for it in 2012?? And a new park to boot.

Anonymous said...

Shawn McDonald is very easy to get along and work with. All you have to do is agree with anything he says. As long as you follow that simple rule, he won't show you what an arrogant bully he can try to be. Even when people who are on his side say something that he doesn't want to hear, he doesn't hesitate to rant and rave about how they are divisise, even in public meetings.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Frank Gracie but I'm a bit frustrated by the lack of a real campaign effort on his part.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gracie would make a fine selectman but he needs to get elected first. Mr. McDonald seems to be putting up more signs.

Anonymous said...

There is a clear attempt being made by a person or persons to smear Mr. McDonald on this blog. It indicates that people who favor Mr. Gracie are attempting to portray Mr. McDonald as a bully when that lie is far from the truth.

Mr. Trimble, as owner of this blog, you are approving the comments made on this blog without any knowledge of fact or lie. You are responsible for the content of this blog and therefore solely responsible for what is posted. You should use caution as to what is posted.