Thursday, December 9, 2010

Senator Brown votes against repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Senator Brown voted against cloture on the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy today in the Senate. The measure needed 60 votes to close debate and bring it to the floor. The tally was 57-40. TPM blog has the story here
This vote raises a serious question ...

... I think must be addressed soon. Why does it take a super majority of the Senate to get anything done. I understand the filibuster rule but shouldn't a majority be enough. This bill passed the House and had 57 Senators vote for it.
The tax bill passed the House last week and 53 Senators voted for it. That bill extended tax cuts on all income up to $250,000. Despite having a majority of both houses of Congress vote for them, neither of these two bills are law. That is not the way it should work.
What do you think? Tell us in comments..


Anonymous said...

Lets see what you think when it is an issue you don't want to pass.

Anonymous said...

Don't ask, don't tell what?
What is it about don't ask, don't tell that is taking up so much of our news reporting time, military generals saying not during time of war, and Washington politicians fighting over such stupidity. Our country is in financial trouble and no light at the end of the tunnel. With all the problems facing our country, why do we want to not have our combat men and women not asking and not telling. What is it that they should not ask or tell? If some one in the military wants to tell and some one wants to ask, who cares what they ask or tell? If some guy or gal is not straight and they want to serve in the military, who cares? If you have two straight guys in a fox hole, and two gay guys in another fox hole, who cares if they are in a fox hole? While in the service of my country, I've shared a fox hole with all types of guys black, white, Indian, and part crazy. We didn't ask about gay stuff and we didn't discuss gay stuff. We dug the dam fox hole and happy to leave when the time came to leave. While in the service, I never had anyone grab me by my junk, or ask me to bend over. No, I'm wrong. A doctor wearing plastic gloves grabbed my junk and asked me to cough, he stuck his finger into by butt whole and checked my prostate gland.
We all showered together, and I never had anyone ask if I was gay, and I never heard anyone telling me they are gay. The only thing that sound a little on the hanky/panky side had to do with a blanket party. During the night, if someone had a blanket party, it was the result of him screwing up and everyone having to do additional push ups. Allow me to carry this a little further. If I was sharing a fox hole with some female marine and she asked me to join her in some hanky/panky let the whole world know that I would never leave that fox hole for all the snakes in North Carolina. I don't know why some males are homosexual or some females are lesbians. I don't judge people as to why they are, I just expect everyone to be nice to each other. I will share a fox hole with a gay guy, but God only knows, I want the female marine.

Anonymous said...

As it relates to don't ask, don't tell while serving in the military, is it called homophobia or irrational hatred or fear of homosexuality. According to the dictionary, homosexual is having sexual desire for those of same sex. Lesbian is a homosexual woman. Pedophilia is the ABNORMAL condition in which an adult has a sexual desire for children. Child is an infant, boy or girl before puberty..innocent, trusting etc. Normal is conforming with an accepted standard, natural, usual.

Should a pedophilia be allowed to become an elementary teacher? As it relates to normal acceptable standard, is homosexuality normal? The U.S. A. has military bases throughout the world. Most military people have children who are innocent and trusting....a normal condition in which a pedophilia will take advantage.

Homosexuality/ lesbians are not conforming normal with an accepted standard, natural, or usual. A pedophilia is abnormal because of a sexual desire for children. As it relates to puberty, if the child is of puberty age the pedophilia becomes homosexual/lesbian.
We are a country of laws and rights. We accept normal and tolerate abnormal. If a child is not of puberty, doesn't it make homosexuality anything less than a pedophilia?

If two males, or two females want to share a life together, so be it. Is this normal when being considered by what is the normal standard, natural, or, in my opinion it is not natural. When the not so normal tell the government that they want to get married, like normal people, or serve in the military, I say become what society considers normal, acceptable, and usual. I say it's not normal for a man to marry a man, or a female to marry a female. We are a country of laws, rules, and rights.

Anonymous said...

The Republican Senators have said they will pass no Bill until the tax deal is done. Period.
No tax deal nothing gets done. They are standing by their word. Admirable during these difficult times.

Anonymous said...

Scott Brown votes against 9/11 first responders AGAIN! He voted against helping them when he was a Massachusetts Senator...and he just did it again.

It was paid for by closing a lobbiest paid loophole.

But I guess 9/11 first responders are only good for political gain. A**Hole

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it may be best to leave things up to people who have "been there and done that". Maybe this is a good example of that. Personally, I cared about having people who I could trust and rely on. I could care less what their sexual preferences were. I support good soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen. Maybe if Scott Brown had ever been in combat, he would have a different perspective.

Anonymous said...


Would you vote for a gay president?

Anonymous said...

How did he vote on the Bill today Bill?
Nothing before the tax breaks was the only ammunition the Republicans had to force the Dems hand.

Anonymous said...

In the end, Senator Brown voted for the bill which passed 65-31.

Anonymous said...

Gee Bill, I guess Scott Brown was as good as his word. Hard to believe in this world of two faced politcians.

Anonymous said...

Don't ask, don't tell what????

What is it that can't be asked?
Don't tell what?

With all the problems facing this country, we are not allowed to ask, don't tell "what?"

If I see soneone placing a stick of DNT inside a federal building, what is it I'm no longer able to ask, or tell?
Thank God I have a license to carry, because will not ask or tell, but I'll shoot the bastard.