Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nice graphics, That's what I'm talking about, Willis

Dave Gilson and Carolyn Perot have a graphic presentation on income distribution and growth in the US at this link to Mother Jones magazine.
Can you say, Plutocracy?

How can the US boost entrepreneurs and win the future. Matt Yglesias has this post about what one study found.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of you are going to have to start working a little harder.

Anonymous said...


Don't forget to mention the 0.75 million people who pay 50% of all federal tax. Don't forget to mention that people earning less than 40, 000 thousand dollars a year, are not paying federal tax. Everyone else is paying the other 50% in federal tax. Check my percentages, they could be off some what, but you get the message. This country has a smaller percentage of people paying the larger percentage in federal tax. Those who earn money, but not enough to pay federal tax. And those in between, like myself, that pay the other 50% of federal tax. I am self employed an earn approximately 250 thousand dollars. I'm taxed at 38%. What amount of federal tax am I paying??

Anonymous said...

Did you see Lawrence O'Donnell's comments about the tax rates on ABC? To you who makes 250k -- do you like paying the same tax rate as those who make $2.5 million, or $250 million, or $2.5 billion, for that matter? I don't. And I think its crazy that we group everyone togather in this fashion.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how lucky to be making $250 thousand a year, yet you still complain. It's pretty hard to "work a little harder" when you can't find a job after being laid off. I'm talking about a college grad here. I have never had to ask for food stamps or free lunch for my children but I may have to before too long. You make $250 thousand and you are still not happy.