Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Finance Committee agenda and vacancy

Here is the agenda for the Finance Committee meeting on
Thursday, April 10, 7PM.
The meeting will be at Town Hall, Room 315, not the old Town Hall on Russell's Mills Road. The Select Board will be in attendance as well.


7:00 PM Pledge of Allegiance
7:05 PM Long-range Sustainable Plan Discussion with Select Board to include the following topics:
-Budget Prioritization
-Capital Improvement Plan
-Policy Concerning Future Use of Targeted Overrides
- Contract Steps and Budget Implications of Personnel Issues
9:00 PM Adjourn
Schedule A will be available.

Curt Brown has posted news of an opening on the Finance Committee when the terms of three members expire at the end of Town Meeting in June. Stewart Washburn, a long time member (12 years I think), will not seek reappointment. Send a letter and resume to the Town Meeting moderator, Steve Sharek, if you are interested in serving on the Finance Committee. Click here for a description of the role of the Finance Committee.
Here is the address:
Mr. Steve Sharek
25 Ricketson St.
Dartmouth, Ma 02747

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After hearing comments from the FinCom/SB meeting last night, I feel something very important is missing. Leadership! It is our Town Admin. and Budget director who earn over $100,000 each to design a plan to go forward. The Fin Com and SB can advise and direct, but Mike & Ed must come up with the plan. So far, they have not! The clock is ticking! Unless the town makes some cuts now, the public will be voting on yet another override next year. If it fails, we get that much closer to receivership! We need to move on this now!