Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Representative Frank proposes Pentagon cuts

After Downing Street website has a posting about a recent interview of Representative Frank. The post is about cutting the Defense Budget and includes this,

Frank told the editorial board of the Standard-Times that "the Pentagon has to start choosing from its many weapons programs, and that upper-income taxpayers are going to see an increase in what they are asked to pay. The military cuts also mean getting out of Iraq sooner, he said." Frank told the Politico that "the Pentagon is probably the most wasteful organization in the federal government and people have given it a pass for years."
I am glad to see someone speak on this...

... since I think our defense spending is obscenely bloated. To get an idea of what we are sacrificing in order to deploy a missile defense system that doesn't work or to have nuclear submarines loaded with nuclear weapons, watch this video. The numbers are a bit out of date. The last Defense Spending bill was $651 billion. At the same time, our national debt has exploded as can be seen on this chart.

And of course that doesn't include the hundreds of billions just appropriated to bail out Wall Street.
Kudos to Mr. Frank for venturing to address the issue of runaway defense spending. President Eisenhower warned against the military industrial complex and we as a nation have not heeded his warning. I'm sure that some will point to a dangerous world but watch the video, we are way out of line in that regard.


Anonymous said...

Boy, is it any surprise that Bill Trimble follows this linked website? He is truly a left wing loon! We should be impeaching him!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Mr. Frank?! This right after your statement about giving away $700 billion! Was'nt it Mr. Frank that was breaking his arm patting himself on the back for putting together this massive bailout ripoff?! The same Mr. Frank who turned a blind eye to the problems that got us into this mess to begin with? The same Mr. Frank whose cozy (literally in this case) relationship with an executive at Freddie Mac let that agency hand out money hand over fist like a drunken sailor on leave? That Mr. Frank? We are talking about the same person right? Thanks I'll pass on the kudos.