Saturday, June 5, 2010

Faunce Corner-Rooute 6 congestion hearing Monday

The Select Board will have a public hearing this Monday to get input on the suggestion from the Southeastern Planning and Economic Development District. I wrote about the proposal in this post previously.

If you would like to give input, please attend on Monday.


Anonymous said...

My solution to the Tucker Road traffic problem is much simpler, and less expensive than building a new Tucker Road extension too Hathaway Road. Starting at the intersection of Tucker Road and State Road, continuing along the Easterly side of Tucker Road to the North Dartmouth library, construct a three lane section for traffic traveling North on Tucker. The two left lanes for left turn traffic only and middle lane traffic to turn left at State Road or turn onto Champion Terrace. All right lane traffic shall turn Easterly at State Road. Hathaway Traffic with State Road, right turn ONLY.

Anonymous said...

Traffic experts have done studies on traffic flow for years in this area and they came up with the best possible solution.
With added traffic from Faunce Corner Road businesses and Route 6/Tucker Road (Dunkin Donuts) this area is a nightmare. I avoid this area if at all possible, but many people cannot avoid it.I don't think it would be wise to divert traffic through the elderly housing on Champion Terrace.

Anonymous said...

Residents who have concerns, problems, or questions about this new proposed project for NORTH DARTMOUTH need to come out tonight to the Select Board meeting (starts at 6:30) in Room 305 at Town Hall to have their voices heard. The actual public hearing on the project is scheduled for 6:45.

Anonymous said...

The poster at 7:19 has made a valid point. How is the new traffic rerouting going to affect our seniors in the elderly housing complex in that area?

Anonymous said...

After watching the DCTV and being a resident of Tucker Rd certainly gives me a unique prespective. A new road will not accomplish the plan ...which SRPED presenter stated, vehicle will travel south on Tucker from Rt 6 east and the only traffic on the "new" Tucker Rd will be from Hathway Rd and Rt 6west. Adding to this problem the libray possibly moving to the Gidley School and a senior center there too, more added traffic not being considered. I agree with drawing new traffic lines and adding a "right turn lane" onto Rt 6 from Tucker Rd (Rt 6 East) this will prevent back up on Tucker. Now, during christmas tiem the police change the patterns on the lights and there is no (I repaeat) no backup in the faunce cor Rd intersection when the light pattern is changed. why not change it to the pattern the police use? thats an easy solution. $1 million now, but it will take that 1 million will be 2-3 million in the future. Money we dont have.