Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Building Inspector let go, seeks a public hearing

The town's Executive Administrator has notified the Building Inspector, Mr. Joel Reed, that he is being terminated from employment with the town. The reasons for that action are laid out in a letter. The Executive Administrator is the appointing authority for the Building Inspector and his action is pursuant and in accordance with Section 6-9 of the Town Charter. The Building Inspector has requested a public hearing on his termination ...

... and that hearing will be held this week. Mr. Cressman will serve as the hearing officer. Contact the Office of the Select Board for the date, time and place of the hearing. If members of the public have information which they would like to have presented at the hearing, please provide it in writing to the Office of the Select Board before the hearing date.


Ray Oswald said...

Here we go again! The Town Administrator and likely the select board have found their latest whipping boy and the next target for their intended overhaul of town officials and personal agendas. The personal agendas of elected town officials particularly Mr. Joe Michaud have been intrusive, appalling and a slap in the face to common sense. How many issues has Joe Reed handled satisfactorily during what was probably the biggest real estate and building boom in our country's history and probably this town's history since WWII?

Mr. Cressman is reaching to find issues with Mr. Reed's performance. Cressman should instead be spending more time on his new proposal for restructuring town government and actually show us how savings will be achieved through the restructuring rather than spend money on legal fees for trying to oust a public servant who overall has done a hell of a job for this town over his tenure.

Anonymous said...

I have heard of many cases where Mr. Reed was rude to residents of Dartmouth. Now I see where he was not following the laws set by our town. I think Mr. Reed has gotten too big for his britches. Too much power. I think Mr. Cressman was right to let him go.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again. Another Ray spouting nonsense. What's the matter? Uncle Bob still mad because he lost the election? The good old boys and their puppets are almost gone now and they aren't coming back so get over it. As for personal agendas you've got to be kidding!

Joel Reed was an embarrasment to public service. I hope there are others at town hall who are taking notice because there are plenty of people out there looking for work. They are there to serve the public and they should act accordingly.

Anonymous said...

To Ray Oswald: "overall" DOESN'T CUT IT.

Bad Robot said...

So Ray O is now the ultimate authority on town employee job performance. Hey Ray, can you tell us how many complaints have been filed against our building commissioner? Instead of shooting your mouth of about something that you don't have all the facts about, why don't you join the multitudes of people giving their time and energy doing the volunteer work that keeps our town running.

Then AFTER you have earned the respect of your fellow citizens, you can even show up at Joel Reed's hearing. You can go now but how much weight will some nutcase looking for attention and armed only with the experience of a few conversations with Bob Miller have?

"Look at me Uncle Bobby, look at me!!! I want to be a Selectman.

Anonymous said...

Why should doing a good job the majority of the time be an excuse to overlook the rest of the time when the job might not have been done so well?

We're not talking having a bad day, here.

Ray Oswald said...

To The Anonymous Posters of this blog and of this issue with Joel I say:

1. I have no interest in a selectman position or other public service position at this time as my professional life is full and wouldn't allow me to be a dedicated servant to the town.

2. As far as my lack of 'service and knowledge' referenced by an anonymous poster. I suggest that 14+ years of teaching and volunteering defines public service. I also suggest that my viewing of town politics for the past 4+ years, my discussions with numerous builders in town and many many residents gives me a foundation to make my statements. The personal experiences I've had with Joel and the building department through my real estate business have been cordial, productive and very satisfactory.

3. I'm sure my uncle, Bob Miller, is upset about losing the election, especially so narrowly. If you like to lose or are not offended by it then you shouldn't have been in the race. I don't agree with everything that happened in this town when my uncle sat on the board. We don't agree on everything, never have, never will. He's a very intelligent business man. I respect him as that and as a family man who has provided for his family and this town for his entire adult life. If the anonymous posters to this blog feel that I should be ashamed of that, then maybe they should look at how they feel about their uncles. The fact that he is my uncle was a choice made for and not by me. A choice I am grateful for!

Ray Oswald said...

To Bad Robot: I do not recall saying that I was the ultimate authority on anything. However, I thank you for being inclined to consider me one. I will be at Joel's hearing and I'll be very interested in hearing both sides of the story. Maybe you'll be there too 'Bad Robot'?

Anonymous said...

My dealings with Mr. Reed, albeit brief, caused me to take note of his unprofessional behavior. Apparently, it was the "tip of the iceberg". I support Mr. Cressman and the SB on this matter. In the end, what was good for Mr. Miller and his cronies is typically bad for Dartmouth.

Ray O said...

To Bad Robot: Do you know how to properly punctuate a quotation?

Anonymous said...

I have heard many cases of homeowners who were grateful for Joel's strict adherence to the law. It saved them from shoddy work by contractors. They were glad that he stood up to them.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why there was such a big deal made about the so call sweetheart contracts for some employees. It seems as if there are ways of getting rid of them. Three down and how many more to go?

I noticed that Shawn McDonald leaves the SB early every Monday for personal/family obligations. He is never there to vote on the last few articles. Shouldn't he be obligated to attend the whole meeting? That is why he was voted in.