Friday, November 6, 2009

US House GOP health care reform bill

Finally the Republicans have their own health care proposal. I'm underwhelmed by the content. So is Matt Ygelias Saves less than the Democratic plan and ...

... adds zero to those covered. What do you think?
The Congressional Budget Office scoring of the GOP plan can be found here


Anonymous said...

Once again Bill, the correct bill lies somewhere in the middle of what both parties have presented.

Anonymous said...

12 YEARS of GOP control house with 8 years also in the White House and NEVER has healthcare reform EVER been a priority. Same thing goes for Illegal immigration..12 years of GOP control in D.C and countless years of GOP control in the States bordering Mexico where most illegal immigrants come from and NOTHING was done to STOP the flow of illegals from coming over the border. texas is the gateway to America for the majority of illegal immigrants and NOTHING has been implemented to stop it.

Anonymous said...

and the GOP has the AUDACITY to sit back and point fingers at the Democrats..and complain when the Democrats bring up Bush, saying we are looking to the PAST...DAMN RIGHT. We learn from the PAST If GW Bush was the Democrat's leader I would want people to stop talking and forget about him too, but I wont. People need to learn from their mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Bill, I read about the Round Hill marsh restoration project today. While the article came with some interesting history, the $2.3million price tag was pretty much glossed over. Wasn't the original intent of that superfund money to clean up the contaminated New Bedford harbor? I think this one deserves some real scrutiny of the money trail. Who will benefit from this money and this project? Here goes Dartmouth's Conservation Commission again.

Anonymous said...

This project isn't about restoring that little strip of marsh. It's about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course the GOP points fingers, it's what all politicians do. I still hear Obama saying he inherited Bush's mess. Obama has created many of the monsters he is fighting. Dems had control of the house and senate for over 40 years with numerous Dem Presidents and never did anything with healthcare. The first President to bring up the idea was Nixon, and guess who stopped it!!!! None other than Teddy Kennedy. Hypocracy is alive and well in Washington.

Anonymous said...

The healthcare plan that passed the house of representatives will never get through the Senate. Start again.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon. 5:24, Did you ever take American History? Nixon was the only Republican to bring it up, but presidents have tried to bring about healthcare reform since the early 1900s. It started with Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt,Harry Truman, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. 40 years of Democrat control? Out of that 40 years you had 4 Republican Presidents out of 7 were GOP and two of those GOP leaders were there for a total of 16 years.

Anonymous said...

and every year it was brought up only to be hot down by Republican presidents. Bill Clinton was the last president to try and accomplish it until president Obama.

Anonymous said...

to 7:25...It will go to the Senate and it will become a bigger compromise, then it will go to conference and land on the Presidents desk for his signature.

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton was the last president to try and accomplish it until president Obama.

Actually President G W Bush had a plan for healthcare reform that was shot down by Democrats.

Anonymous said...

If GW Bush had a HC reform bill it probably didnt help those without HC, it probably helped insurance companies. It is the same old Republican mantra, corporation welfare.

Anonymous said...

If GW Bush had a HC reform bill it probably didnt help those without HC, it probably helped insurance companies. It is the same old Republican mantra, corporation welfare.