Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Hope that the New Year finds you in good health, with happiness and serenity for the entire year.

Thanks for reading my blog


Anonymous said...

what he said.

Anonymous said...


katie said...

Happy 2010!
That perfect Christmas gift...nice.
Snow on New Year's...beautiful.
Clean energy...PRICELESS!

Let's make wind turbines in Dartmouth a reality in 2010!

Clean up the planet!

Anonymous said...

2010!!! I hope Republicans gain the majority again,like when NEWT was Speaker of the house. 12 years of republican control 1994-2006 in congress and 8 years of republican white house. We were so much better then,than we are NOW. Brock Cordeiro is a great leader down here, alot better than that LIBERAL "leader" Ray Medeiros of the Democraps.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ january 1 9:33, another Democrat hater. Republicans had their chance to fix this country and we ended up in the worst recession in 75 years.

Tax cuts don't create jobs,they bolster profits and salaries for the owners,stockholders and CEOs. the tax savings are staying in the pockets of the top 1%. It NEVER trickled DOWN the way it was supposed to.

Reduce the tax burden on the middle class and that will spur growth, it gives the consumer more purchasing power,thus creating a higher demand which in turn create a need to hire and expand.

Roy said...

Tax cuts don't create jobs, they bolster profits and salaries for the owners, stockholders and CEO. the tax savings are staying in the pockets of the top 1%. It NEVER trickled DOWN the way it was supposed to.
You forgot to mention that the 1% pays 50% of our federal tax. The middle class pays the other 50%. So what are you saying, that we should tax the 1% so that they pay 75% ? I don't seem to understand why you would want to kill the goose that is laying the golden egg.
You tax and spend liberals have been screwing the tax payers for a long time. Just like the unions have caused many manufactures to leave the U.S. To manufacture their product in other countries. People with money must spend their money ( invest ) so that jobs are created in the U.S. More people working, equals more money in tax. More people working, equals more product being sold, more produce being purchased, equals more money for inverters.
People earning under 40,000 thousand dollars are not paying into the tax system. We are becoming a socialistic country. Money people, will no longer invest in the U.S. The U.S. Dollar will become another form of money no longer based on the value of gold.

Anonymous said...

Hi Roy, do you enjoy the race to the bottom? The FTA that Regean signed in the 80s started that downward spiral of manufacturing.

As for 1% paying 50%...that is a great RNC talking point. After deductions they pay far less than the average worker in comparison.

Take Soc. Security for example. Prior to Democrats pushing for an alternative to Bush's Privatization of the fund...Soc Sec taxes were 6.2% for the first 90K....after that you paid if you made 180K a year your soc sec was essentially 3.1%. of your income, while someone under 90K paid 6.2% of the tab....that was the Regean administration that did that, along with pension offsets..which penalized public employees that receive a pension...they worked X amount of years paying into the system while they worked in the private industry only to have their fair share CUT IN HALF by a President that recieved 3 Pensions.

Anonymous said...

These postings have traveled a long way from wishing one another Happy New Year!

Roy said...

Wake up....this is nothing more then another day. The year 2010 has no meaning. It's only a means of marking time. I'm surprised the ACLU hasn't made an attempt at changing how we all measure time. All measure of time, as I understand, is based on Jesus Christ. The time before Christ, and time after Christ.
To me, every day is a happy new day. When I'm gone from this earth, my time will have ended. Until then, I say happy new day to you, and may tomorrow be a better day than today.(:

Anonymous said...

Same to you.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year!

Hey Roy, You don't have it right about the calender.

It has nothing to do with Jesus.

It has much more to do with the church who retrofitted the past with a date in time.

Caesar started a calendar similar to what we know now (45 BC), but Only until 500 years later when Christianity took hold did they retrofit the years back to fit the life of Christ.

In other words if you said to Jesus,
"What year is it?" He may have said "the tenth year of of our current Caesars reign."
Or more likely he would look at you like you are crazy! He definately wouldn't say "I am 30, so it must be 30 AD." The concept of "ANNO DOMINNE" was hundreds of years after Jesus was gone.

It is 2010, time to build the turbines!