Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our Senator spins health care reform

It is a bit puzzling why our Senator Brown doesn't know more about the sort of health care reform that is in the bill being considered by the Congress. After all, it is very similar to the health care reform that is the law in Massachusetts today.
SmallTownGuy over at Blue Mass Group has this post about Senator Brown's address this weekend in which ...

... he dutifully repeats the standard Republican and insurance company talking points against the bill.
Senator Brown knows these talking points are not true, knows that the provisions he pans have been implemented in his home state, so where is his much touted independence? Seems to me, he has fallen into lockstep with his party to deadlock progress. He could have made an honest appraisal and still opposed the bill but chose the low road instead. Not an encouraging start.
Give him a call or FAX and ask him to support health care reform. Details here.


Scotty said...

Sounds like sour grapes Bill. Get over it, the election is over as Mr. Obama would say.

scotty said...

and another thing...
How about those Dems in congress looking for just about any technicality to push their healthcare bill through. Yeah,that's following what your constitituents want. They will all be gone in Nov. if they keep this up.

Anonymous said...

They should try reforming Medicare and Medicaid first - There are millions of dollars that can be used for healthcare - problem is...no one is big enough for that undertaking!!!