Thursday, December 16, 2010

Too far?

At what point do Democrats say enough is enough? I say, let the government run out of funds, let tax rates return to Clinton era levels. Go home and let Boehner and McConnell figure it out next year.
And yes, the unemployment insurance will run out for millions. Our military will continue to kick out highly qualified personnel for no good reason. Young Americans with undocumented parents will continue to live in the shadows. Emergency workers will not be provided with health care.
Merry Christmas from the GOP!

Our corporate media will tell us it is all the fault of poor people and liberals.


Anonymous said...

You're really too much Bill. The American people said 'enough is enough' last November 4th.

Our country is broke and you want young 'Americans' of ILLEGAL immigrants to get something for nothing while American citizens continue to go without.
You want what I predict is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL health care mandate to be shoved down our throats when the clear majority say they DO NOT WANT IT. You continue to couch your opinions ins stark 'us vs. them' terms when it was the REPUBLICANS that offered and accepted the compromise bill that was passed last night and it was a minority of DEMOCRATS that tried to stand in its way and had they had their way would have caused millions to lose their unemployment benefits on the eve of Christmas. Do you even know what compromise is Bill? Oh yes - Merry Christmas. Even to Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Bill, I think there is a mistake in your post. You write 'young Americans with undocumented parents'

Should'nt that read 'ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS'?

What shadows are they living in by the way? We read about them every day in the papers and see them every day on the news demanding more and more from us who are here legally and pay for everything they demand.

Anonymous said...

Every Republican, every God D@mned Republican voted not to debate the healthcare for our 9/11 first responders...including Scott "the 41st vote" Brown. Heckuva job Brownie.

On top of this, they want to be home for Christmas...saying it is one of two of the holiest nights of the Christian faith...SCREW YOU!...those 9/11 responders worked all day and night on Christmas.

You use 9/11 responders to get elected!

Go pound sand
you no good, anti American, selfcentered, selfish PIGS

Anonymous said...

In today's S-T, we see a proposal by the mayor of New Bedford to forego the Prop 2 1/2 allowed increase in property taxes this coming fiscal year. Certainly, if nothing else, a reality check of the state of the local and state economies. Could we afford to NOT pass the recent tax bill that enabled the wealthy to receive large PERCENTAGE tax cuts (do the math and compare in actual dollars the tax break on the average family vs. the wealthy family)? The final version of this tax cut program deeply disappoints me and is totally on the Republican’s shoulders. Reducing the tax liability in billions of dollars for those who can afford to pay, does NOT help the growing deficit. It is simply "pork barrel" politics at its worst. This is an affront to the average, hard working American family.

Anonymous said...

Uh - was'nt it John Kerry who cried about being home for Christmas and did not want to read the 2000 page bill he was going to rubber stamp? Read a bill? What for? Gotta get home and check on my boat. Oh John - have you paid your tax bill yet? Or has Mrs Heinz taken away your check writing privleges?

Anonymous said...

Concerning the Dream Act, these kids have been living in this country for years already! Some of them just found out they are not U.S. citizens because they were brought to this country as infants! Some are great students who will make excellent doctors, nurses, etc. I want my neighbors to have the ability to become citizens under the Dream Act!
Hello, what is your problem!

Anonymous said...

What part of ILLEGAL don't people understand?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I dream of the time when we will enforce our laws on immigration. What about those AMERICAN children that get left behind so those children of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS get a sweet deal. They would make great doctors too.
Blame the parents of these kids or coming here illegally not anyone else. It is soley their responsibility for the position they put their kids in. Go home and apply legally.
Next question.

Anonymous said...


Another joke, not to mention a slap in the face for legal immigrants who are happy to learn the language and study for U.S. citizenship that they treasure.

Why should we have to stand in a checkout line and listen to the cashier chatting with the bagger in Spanish? Why are instruction manuals so thick? How many languages are they translated in?

And how come so many of us can't understand the person on the other end of the line when we call for assistance or information? Now THAT is the fault of U.S. business, too. (Plus, it's embarrassing to ask that person to keep repeating, but I suppose it doesn't bother them as much as it does us. After all, they are getting paid by Americans. Guess they can stand a little bit of misunderstanding.)

Thank goodness for the leaders in Arizona for having the guts to do what they did.

We American CITIZENS are being thrown under the bus. It is time, long overdue, for America to take care of AMERICANS.

Anonymous said...

My grandparents came here illegally because they were trying to survive. I'm very glad they did! If this is such a big problem, why is it that the government refuses to deal with it? The immigrants are out working and helping our economy. Don't complain, pass a law so that immigrants can become legal. They are already working and paying taxes. They can't file to get a refund in April though.

Anonymous said...

Who are you kidding? So many illegals are here living OFF the system not contributing to it. Just ask Obabma's Aunt living in the SOuthie projects, getting SSI and all the other perks of being here illegally for years and years and not contributing one red cent. SPare me the violins.