Friday, February 22, 2008

Double Whammy!

Last night at the Finance Committee meeting, Larry Fox raised a point that I had not thought about before. He pointed out that the school extracurricular sports and music question (fee elimination)question was actually a double hit. We lose $325,000 in revenue and have to make it up with $325,000 in expense. This differs from the other questions in that they just add revenue. This one reduces revenue while raising expense. A double whammy!


Barry said...

Bill, This is what I've been saying since the question for eliminating school fees was proposed. Why would the schools, who have been crying the loudest for an increase in revenue, want to eliminate revenue that is exclusively for their own use? They just don't get it. School fees are a fact of life these days. While there are exceptions, the majority of high schools in the Commonwealth have them. I tried to explain this to them early on in the proposal process, to no avail. Maybe now that Larry Fox has brought it up, they will see the light.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that our SB didn't question that one! I thought that was their job...They do have the right to question or refuse any request.I don't expect the SB to run the town or write up a plan on their own, but I thought they were supposed to direct M.Gagne & Ed.I. to do that and then go over it acting as Watch Dogs for the citizens (of the WHOLE town).