Saturday, April 5, 2008

Select Board agenda for April 7

Checked the town website and the agenda for the Monday Select Board meeting has not been posted, so here it is.
There will be a working session on the FY 09 budget at 4:30PM. This is open to the public

5:30 PM EXECUTIVE Session
6:30 PM Commence Public meeting, Pledge of Allegiance, Moment of Silence, Signing of Warrrant
Reorganization of the Board
6:30PM Application for Stackhouse Club for a Special One Day, all alcohol license, for June 13, June 28, and July 11-13
6:35PM Hearing-Petition by NStar for 3 pole locations
6:40PM Discussion with Selctman Carney on Friends of the Dartmouth Veterans
6:45PM Appointment with Round the Bend farm for approval of a 10KW wind turbine
7:00PM Appointment with Mr Newell Thomas for approval of a 10KW wind turbine
New Business
A.Petition by NStar to disturb and obstruct 1178 & 1180 Tucker Road
B.Renewal for Dockside Ice Cram for a common victualers license
C.Letter of Resignation for Beverly Quintin on the COA board
D. Memo from David Hickox, DPW, on status of FY08 Recycling and Solid Waste Tonnage in New Bedford and Dartmouth
E.News article on closing telecom tax loophole
F. Letter from Officer Vieira on posting "No Parking" signs on Andersen Way
G.Letter from Mass DOT regarding highway sweeping
H.Appointment of SRPEDD and JTPG representatives for Dartmouth

Question or comments? Let me know in the comments below.


Anonymous said...

Bill, thanks for posting the agenda. I was looking for it on the website.

It looks like DCTV is doing some repairs or upgrades so I guess the meeting will not be televised. Since I haven't missed a meeting in 3 years, either in person or on TV, I was wondering about the meeting content.

Do you know if they will still record it for future playback?

Are you folks going to wrestle to see who sits where?

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

It's definitely nice to have the agenda available online. I'd like to offer two suggestions that maybe you can take with you to your position as a SB member. One: why, if the town needs so much assistance with its current problems are the Board meetings still once every two weeks? I know that there are meetings during the week, but the times of those meetings aren't exactly condusive to the majority of the public's schedule, so why not make it weekly...unless there is a rationalization I haven't come across yet.

Two: please, please, please recommend updating the town's website. It is not the easiest of sites to navigate and other small towns have better looking and running sites then we do. In my opinion, a better working site will answer a lot of questions people have and people will be able to find what they might be looking for if it were set up properly.

Anonymous said...

I just called DCTV and it looks like they will try to have the SB meeting live tonight. The repairs they are making involve playback of recorded material but they think there is a high probability of success for something live. They also expect to be able to record it and save that for playback in the future after the repairs are made.

Regarding the Town website - One of the suggestions of our Priv. committee was that we needed some IT help. There is only 1 person trying to do everything. We suggested the "hiring" of a college intern that would be paid a stipend... no benefits. This was part of question 5 on the ballot, so we should see some improvement soon.

Anonymous said...

As far as a UMASS student working on the town website as an internship.... Most internships are done for credit, not many get paid for internships. I think there are many different places in the town where an intern would be helpful. Also, we should consider BCC students.