Thursday, April 17, 2008

Select Board working session-Friday

There is a Select Board working session on Friday at 3PM in Room 301 of the Town Hall.
The agenda is a meeting with the Board of Public Works and then the Police Chief on the FY09 budget and future plans. There will also be an executive session of the Board to discuss ongoing litigation.


Anonymous said...

Litigation? What litigation?

Anonymous said...

I hope that all these working sessions equal progress. We need to make the cuts, now or later! Let's not be in the same position we were last year or it will be .....override next year! It won't get passed and then we'll be in worse shape than we are now.

Anonymous said...

Yes more cuts! more cuts! make it as cheap as possible to live here! cut cut cut cut cut. Make Dartmouth the cheapest place to live in Massachusetts!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Look around! Dartmouth is not the only town facing these challenges. Open the paper on any given day and read about another town that is privatizing a service or charging a fee because they cannot afford to do business as usual. Oil prices, gas prices, health care costs, pensions, etc. Our economy is suffering! People are losing jobs, homes are being foreclosed... Dartmouth won't be the cheapest place to live but I hope it has the smartest leaders that look into the future and have a plan for living within our means. Again, Look around!!

Anonymous said...

I know Kim, I have been looking around. All this time I was told our town leaders, thru their incompetance, got us in the mess we're in and now you tell me other towns are facing the same problems!? Holy cow - to think I heaped so much blame on our town leadership when the problems were out of their control all along!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, That's not exactly true. Other towns are already in progress with changes. Other towns already have a plan. That is what was lacking in Dartmouth, A Plan! Yes, other towns all across the state are facing problems, but the way they deal with those problems is different. Some towns just continue to ask their citizens for more money to solve the problems. Some towns have leaders who were ready to implement changes because part of their job was to plan for future. Dartmouth is only starting now to move forward, after one failed override and another that is barely going to see them through next year. Dartmouth cannot sit and wait any longer(committee to look into this and that). Our leaders must act! This town is crying out for leadership! It's time for our paid leaders (with direction from the SB) to act!

Anonymous said...

Yes Kim, our taxes are too high, leaders too lazy. We have no plan, the sky is falling, we can't afford anything, gas is too high, fuel oil is thru the roof, wahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

Gee, that sounds a lot like Ellen.


Taxpayers pockets are only so deep, and these people are not just paying taxes! Gas prices are through the roof, medical costs are steadily rising, residents can no longer get a quickie mortgage to tap into rapidly disintegrating home equity...

Wake Up!

The buck literally stops here, so our Town Administrator and Finance Guru need to get it together and formulate a plan for living within our means. If they cannot do that, they need to step aside!

Anonymous said...

Interesting letter in S-Times today from David Silveira. The golden goose is dead in Dartmouth! "the crux of the matter is taxes, and certain officials past and present not minding the store but rather going home and counting their rather large pile of public shekels they have managed to launder into rather large personal service contracts."
To translate...The party is over!!

Anonymous said...

Yeo, everything is going up just like you say and yet when taxes go up its alwasys someone's fault, porr leadership, incompetence, too much waste, on and on the excuses go. So we're not going to pay for any higher taxes cause we can bitch about everthing yet we'll find money for everything else, from gas to taxes to insurance-those things we find money for. I'm not Ellen - who is Ellen? From what I remember Mr SIlviera lived off the 'golden goose' for a long time when he was sucking at the public trough - oh but now that he's no longer drawing from the town he can 'tell it like it is' Yeah right.
Time for some more cuts.

Anonymous said...

anonymous, Denmark sounds like the place for you. Over 60% of one's income goes to taxes and the government takes care of you for the rest of your life. Good deal if you like paying high taxes. I don't, but it may be the ideal move for you. Please think about it and don't forget to tell your friends as well.

Anonymous said...

That would be a nice idea Michael if it were true. Our taxes in Dartmouth are low by any measure, federal and state taxes are another matter but since you can control the local stuff and make yourself feel good that's where you make your stand. Maybe your wish will come true, those with the means will (and are) moving out so you may well have the town of your dreams - but guess what? It's gonna cost you more than the pennies you put in your pocket this year in local tax savings. And gues what else, the less I get from the government the better I feel so your stereotyping of those in favor of a modest local tax increase is wrong too.