Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Budget Priority worksheet

A word about what this spreadsheet shows. This second sheet has rankings of 11, 21-24, 31-34, 41-44. We will seek to reduce spending with all those rankings with 4 in the ones place first, regardless of the number in the tens place. For example a 34 for the DPW Engineering will be looked at first, just like the 44 assigned to the Town Agent. Since both end with a 4 they are the first areas where we will seek to reduce. For information about the numbers in the tens place, see this post.

The remainder of the list is below

I apologize for the poor quality but I have yet to figure out how to import portions of spreadsheets to the postings.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bill. It's nice to know what's going on. I hope all parties can agree and move forward on this plan. Or else, it's back to the drawing board and another override for next year!