Thursday, January 27, 2011

Governor Patrick proposes 2012 budget

Governor Patrick has issued his 2012 budget proposal. It has been submitted to the House and will be referenced as the House 1 budget. The House will review and modify the budget and send it to the Senate for review and modifications. The two bills will be reconciled,...

... passed by both houses and then sent to the Governor. Massachusetts governors have line item veto power, so the Governor can veto some items and return the bill to the House. The House and Senate can vote to override the veto. At that point, the budget is finished.
The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center has a preliminary review of the House 1 budget at this link.


Anonymous said...

Hold onto your wallets folks. More taxes - bottle bill $$$ to include carbonated water, juices etc., enhanced tax collection by hiring additional auditors, raid the rainy day fund for another $200,000,000. Same song, different day.

Anonymous said...

Governor Patrick once again provides nothing of substance to address our 1.5 BILLION dollar deficit with the exeception of ending CPCS and adding another 1000 lawyers and 1000 support staff to the payroll for purposes of "Saving" the taxpayers money. Unbelieveable! What can we expect however when we keep sending people like him and others to the Statehouse.

We've only ourselves to blame!