Thursday, February 3, 2011

Congressman Frank will run in 2012

The recent US Census results in a loss of one of the Commonwealth's ten Congressional seats. There has been rampant speculation about how this will affect our current delegation. Congressman Frank's declaration for 2012 puts the other members on notice that he intends to run for one of the remaining nine seats.
David at Blue Mass Group has a post with Mr. Frank's statement at this link.
One thought is that one of our currently serving Congressmen will run against Scott Brown for Senate. Mr. Brown yesterday voted for repeal of the national health care reform law. That law is modeled on one here in the Commonwealth...

... that he voted to institute while state senator. Go figure. He was for it before he was against it.
In other news, Senator Brown has a substantial sack of funds left over from his last race. According to the Boston Globe, much of it from the banking industry. That sort of cash may give pause to those considering a run against him.
What do you think? Who will run against him? Can they unseat our newest Senator?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, go figure Brown voted against Obamacare that at least 2 jusdges have said is unconstitutional.

john said...

Someone has to unseat blowhard Barney first.

Brown will win hands down.

anyone but Frank said...

It's still a win for the republican side. One less democratic congressman from Massachusetts. You don't believe that a republican can win election to the U.S. congress, from a left wing liberal Massachusetts district?

Anonymous said...

You must work and pay into social security if you want to collect social security benefits. If you don't pay into social security, you are not entitled to collect social security. If you are the husband/wife of someone collecting social security and the person collecting social security dies, the spouse husband/wife is entitle to their spouses social security benefits, even if they never worked or contributed into social security.
If you work and payed into social security, but collecting a government pension, the social security people, reduces your social security payment by 60%. A person who can not work, never has worked, lives off the system, gets free housing, utilities, medical, educational, food, all for nothing. When families have lived this way for three, or four generations, it's called “I'm moving to Massachusetts, and I'm voting for Barney Frank as MY congressman.”

Anonymous said...

I look forward to Barney Frank serving another term. We are so lucky to have him here in Mass.
He's one of a kind!

Anonymous said...

He sure is "one of a kind" though I'm not sure what kind. To think that a life long public employee who has no kids can identify with the "working class" people is ridiculous. I have as much in common with Barney as I do with the man on the moon. We need someone who has actually worked for living in the private sector, who has kids and knows what its like to pay a mortgage and worry about tuitions and retirement. All Barney cares about is a liberal left wing agenda in which tax dollars are used to support those here illigally or those who don't want to work.
This is the same genius who came up with the plan to force banks to make loans to people who didn't deserve them and couldn't afford them under the auspices of Fannie and Freddie (read you and me) paying them if they went south. His dream of a home for all is ill conceived at best and downright criminal at worst. The morons who keep re-electing this clown obviously either don't pay taxes or don't care how their tax dollars are "invested" and I don't know which is worse.

Anonymous said...

I am no advocate of Barney Frank; however, he should not be blamed for the housing crisis. That is simply propaganda and lies generated by the Republicans. It was George W. who ordered Freddie Mac and Fannie May to buy up massive quantities of subprime mortgages. That made it real easy for the banks to grant mortgages and pass them along to these quasi governmental organizations. Of course, the banks added to their problems by retaining large quantities of subprime and other high risk mortgages themselves. Just the facts ma’am.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. The Bush Administration was sounding the warning bell early on about the unsound lending practices established under Clinton and continued by our hero Barney. Have you forgotten the youtube recordings by Barney just months before the collapse about Fannie and Freddie being sound and "no one will lose a nickel by investing in them" ? Go to you tube and enter Barney and Fannie and you'll see first hand the comments made by this fiscal genius who has never worked a day in the private sector in his life.

Seriously how can you possibly believe he stands for people who actually pay taxes?

Anonymous said...

Barney Frank has no authority to order organizations like Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to buy up billions of dollars of subprime mortgages. That is a fact. You can disagree all you want, but that is the truth. George Bush did have the authority and used it to direct these purchases that resulted in one of the largest taxpayer funded bailouts in the history of the United States. George Bush also directed the self-regulation on major banks and brokerage houses as well as their deregulation. Again, resulting in one of the largest taxpayer bailouts in the history of this country. Why do you think he went into hiding for 2 years? Now let's hear more of your revisionist history.

Anonymous said...

Barney was the chair and prior to thjat the ranking minority member of the House Financial Services Committee with direct oversight of Fannie and Freddie.

He is on record ignoring the entreaties by the Bush Admin to pull back on the "forced" lending policies. (See You Tube again)

The important thing is that because everything is now taped and uploaded Barney can no longer say one thing on one day and feign ignorance the next.

Again go to the tape and LISTEN to what this fiscal genius was saying literally weeks before the collapse and then running away from hi comments.

The idiots in this district who re-elect this clown year after year are truly unique in this country. Thank God Massachusetts is losing another congressman. Too bad we just missed on losing two!Hopefully we'll continue that trend in the next re-apportionment battle and the country will be saved.

Anonymous said...

$150 BILLION dollars to bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. That does not even address the much larger amounts to bail out AIG, Bank of America, various Wall Street brokerage houses, and other banks. Forced mergers like Merrill Lynch to BOA because of impending bankruptcy. TRILLIONS to try and recover from what George W. and his gang of fools did to this country. TRILLION dollar overseas war funding with no way to pay for it. And we are still in a recession/depression. Of course, this was all the fault of Barney Frank and President Obama, right? I guess the expression that "you can't make this stuff up" does not apply here does it? Why don't you just man up and admit that you are still throwing the country under the bus with your denial of the obvious rather than admit your own mistakes?

Anonymous said...

Why are people still arguing political parties??? Both parties are responsible for the mess this country is in and neither are capable of fixing it. The whole system has become too corrupted and bloated. Get over the "us" against "them" mentality because it is getting us nowhere. Start voting everyone out and continue to vote representatives out until we get someone in there who gets it. Let them know that if they don't start representing the people, they will not be back for a second term. I know they are clueless but eventually the light bulb may go on.