Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Can you spot an error here?

Over at Eschaton, Atrios posts this clip from Hannity. Listen to former Press Secretary Perino.
The factual error is detailed after the jump

Perino: "We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term"
World Trade Center attack September 11, 2001
George W. Bush inaugurated as President January 20, 2001
Neither of the other two challenged her statement.
Wow, just wow.


Anonymous said...

I think she meant an additional attack after 9-11, this is not a huge consipracy Bill just a misstatement or a word left out.

The real lies are the ones coming out of the mouths of Democrats who claim the Health care bill will be defict neutral.

How about you do some crack research on exactly what it will cost for their plan.

Anonymous said...

Health Care might be revenue neutral, but the quality of care will slowly diminish over the decades. Social Security and Medicare were supposed to be neutral as well, except they will represent larger and larger percentages of the nations wealth in the decades to come.
Thanks Joe Lieberman, be true, and you will bring down Harry Reid's plan.