Friday, March 7, 2008

Didn't make it

Yesterday, I posted that I would be returning to Town Hall today. Due to demands at my work on Friday, I could not get over there today. I'll try to get there Monday.

I have had a couple of comments about posting anonymously and wondering if they would be allowed to comment.
I allow anyone to post here, anonymously, under a pseudonym, or your name. I do not have access to any information about you other than what you see when you click on your name or pseudonym in a comment. None about anonymous posters.
I do not pre-screen the comments on this blog. When you type it and hit publish, it appears on the blog. I also get an email saying that you have posted a comment and the text. If the comment has any content that is remotely informative and is relatively civil in tone, it stays. If it is just mean spirited and personal, I delete it. Since starting this blog, I have removed a total of 3 comments. I believe that open discussion is the lifeblood of the democratic process. I think that presented with a wide range of opinion, most people can discern the side of the argument they favor and why they think that.
Many who contribute here have helped to move the arguments forward on both sides. Thanks for that and let's keep up the discussion.

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