Monday, March 3, 2008

Grass roots campaign

As frequent readers here may know, I am a candidate for Select Board in Dartmouth in the April 1 election. I have not been a public figure in town prior to running and many people of the town don't have any idea who I am or why I am running. I don't have much money to advertise my candidacy and while I have been trying to get out and go door to door, I find that progresses very slowly. So I am asking you, the readers and commenters here, to write letters to the editor to the Standard Times and Chronicle. If you think my ideas have merit and would serve the town well, then I would appreciate a letter of support. If not, then write a letter in opposition. Basically I need to get discussion going in the town on my candidacy and I am asking for your help.
A couple of items in this vein, I will be speaking and taking questions at the Dartmouth VFW on Cross Road on Wednesday, March 12th at 7PM. The VFW has opened the meeting up for the public to attend. If you would like to meet and question me, please attend. If you would like a flyer about my views or a bumper sticker to support my election, email me at and I'll send it along. If you would like to contribute to my campaign, money or time, email me as well. Thanks for your consideration and for reading or commenting here.


Anonymous said...

Bill, best of luck in your campaign. We sure could use a change.

Anonymous said...

Bill, you have my vote. Yes to change!

Anonymous said...

Bill T, You have my vote! Ms. McLean has had 6 years on the SB. Time for a change!

Anonymous said...

Kim just a correction to your statement Ms. Mclean has been in office 1 term (3 years).

Anonymous said...

Sorry, It's been a long 3 years.

Anonymous said...

Not long enough for me. Go Kathleen!