Friday, June 26, 2009

Archaeological open house at Akin House

The Dartmouth Heritage Preservation Trust is pleased to announce
an Open House to share with the public the results of the third season of the Akin
House Archaeology Project on Saturday, July 4, 2009 from 11:00 A.M. – 3:00
P.M. Dr. Christina Hodge will present the findings of her students and
Full press release can be found by clicking here

Learn about archaeological techniques and what was found during the dig!


Anonymous said...

The Akin house may have historical value, but i think it is a waste of money

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first post, this project is a waste of tax money. Speaking of wasteful spending, let the youth advocate use the house to counsel his kids. The town is running out of money and our leaders are spending money on old houses and a youth advocate. Where is the shame?? Maybe we can use the house for the poor and homeless, that is where we are all heading with this economy, and all the government spending. Talking about wasteful spending, what has O'barman done for you lately??Pass the beer please....

Nimrod said...

Did either of the two previous posters voice their opinions during the approval process for the Akin House? They could have made their opinions known at the CPC meeting or at Town Meeting. The CPC vote was not unanimous and if they were persuasive, they may have been able to convince enough members to deny the funding for it. In the spirit of Independence Day, perhaps they should step up and make their opinions known where it counts. It's one thing to lob a few anonymous bombs on a blog if you have actually made an effort during the process. Otherwise, your complaining is meaningless.