Friday, June 26, 2009

The nuttiest representative?

Representative Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn) has my vote as the craziest US Congress rep. She opposes filling out the US Census and urges us all not to do so. Why? The government will come after you with the information!
Hey, wait a minute, Congresswoman, we ARE the government. Remember the first three words of the preamble or Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution of the United States

Sounds like her children will be some of the first in the camps.


Anonymous said...

Of the people, by the people, for the people sounds good in the Constitution but in reality Ms Bachman has a point.

Bill Trimble said...

What is her point then? It seems to me that some say the government can not do anything correctly or efficiently but then turn around and worry that government is going to round them up. Which is it then, are they the Keystone Kops or the KGB?

Anonymous said...

It's neither the keystone cops nor the KGB. But the average citizen might feel like once the beaurocratic government gets hold of them, anything can happen and they can't afford to defend themselves. Also those who have the government behind them can easily get arrogant and belligerent because there are no consequences to their personal behaviour.

Anonymous said...

The less the government knows about me the better. I have no objection to filling out a form which states how many people reside in my household and whether they are US citizens or not. By the way, why isn't that question being asked? Not relevant??? I do object to giving any further personal information. Our leaders/government have shown that they cannot always be trusted to act rationally under pressure and supplying them with private information opens the door to possible abuses for certain segments of society, whether it be race, religion or political views. I agree with Rep. Bachman

Anonymous said...

we've had a census since the earlier parts of our history, maybe this rep. should have taken civics and American history class alittle more seriously. Maybe we should make ALL REPS and SENATORS take a written civics and history examine before they can run for these offices.

Bill Trimble said...

The US Census is required by the Constitution, The first census was
in 1790.
In 1980 FBI agents went to the Census Bureau's Colorado Springs office with warrants to seize Census documents, but were forced to leave with nothing. Courts upheld that no agency, including the FBI, has access to Census data.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bachman. I also agree that a census shouldbe taken, but in a limited fashion. People don't have a problem with providing personal information to the government but had problems with the wiretapping to protect us from terrorists. Something does not add up.

My biggest worry is Obama. He is absolutley weakening and ruining this country. There will be a revolution before it is all done.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck is awesome. I sense a ground swell.

Anonymous said...

You are OK with the government secretly wiretapping but not openly doing a census. Something doesn't add up.

Anonymous said...

We all love America and will overthrow the government to prove it?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes governments need to be overthrown. It is the right and duty of all citizens to stand against their government if that government is not serving its citizens.
To those who condescendingly cite the census as being the law, I think we are all aware of that. I would imagine that Rep. Bachman is aware of that as well.
If anyone truly believes that "we the people" actually exist and are in control, then "we the people" have really made a mess of things. If we do still exist, then maybe it's time to take our country back.

Unknown said...

well, If you guys wanna overthrow the government start by filling out your census and getting proper representation. Then vote. Then try to take back from big business your ability to run ur own lives. I.e. the rights given up to business and NOT to government. some people here need civics, as in, get involved.
The average person thinks they can pull a voting lever every few years,pay their taxes and their problems will be solved. all the while longing for the revolution.
Clue in! When revolution comes the uninterested will be the first victims.

Anonymous said...

Here's the problem with proper representation. There is none. Politicians will do and say anything to get elected. Once they are in office, they do whatever they please. So we have to vote them out. Then the next one comes along and the cycle starts all over again. Most politicians are there for self-serving reasons. If you do manage to get someone in there with real integrity and the desire to serve the people, he/she is quickly worn down trying to fight against the system. Not many working within government want to change a good thing.
On another note. If you have the opportunity, please watch "Crumbling America" on the history channel. It's a two hour program about our infrastructure and how we have failed to address it.

Anonymous said...

Don't have to go much farther than our own backyard to see how much of that is true. And, despite some good leadership in town, it is still an uphill battle as long as some of those who are still in government feel threatened or want THEIR own way.

Anonymous said...

Glen Beck is a clown!!! IF you dont like the way your country is being for someone else..or run yourself. The problem with people who want to have a physical revolution is they dont have the ground works to create a better government(iE TEXAS)...Our founding father laid the groud work to peacefully overthrow a governemtn every 2 YEARS!! one for congress the other for the President.

Anonymous said...

Term Limits!!!

Anonymous said...

anon 9:28. The problem is not how the government was set up. The problem is the people running it. Yes, our founding fathers formed a government that was meant to be run by the people, for the people, but I don't think they could have ever imagined the big business it would become or the lack of control the people really have.
For example, there seems to be nothing to prevent the governing powers from reversing a vote if they don't like the result, as in the case of Mass. If the people had chosen to do away with the state income tax, they would have ignored the vote the next day and the tax would have remained.
The corruption runs deep and there is much money to be made. If you don't believe it then why would someone spend millions of dollars, sometimes of their own money, to run for an office that only pays six figures a year???
And yes, you can vote them out, but what happens when the only candidates to choose from are all corrupt? Our government continues to fail us and the only chance we have is a revolution just as our forefathers had to revolt against a government that was not serving their needs. Revolutions come in many different forms. They don't necessarily have to be violent. But don't worry, Americans have become too lazy and apathetic to do anything.
Glen Beck is a clown but he raises some very valid points just as other conservatives do. Not everyone who questions Obama is a nut or just unhappy about the election results. I voted for the guy but I have concerns about his domestic policies. He is a very smart man but I don't know if he is smart enough to get us out of this crisis. I don't know that anyone is that smart. Then add in Congress and forget it. These are drastic times but we don't have people with enough character or courage to take drastic measures.
Getting a good candidate is a whole other ball game. If you aren't the media's sweetheart, you don't get the coverage. If you can't get coverage, you can't get your message out to the people. The only candidates covered are the Republicans & Democrats. Forget the Independents or the Green Party. Anyone outside the system doesn't stand a chance of obtaining media exposure.

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck is a clown with a large following. Don't blink your eyes or you might miss the train. How is it that everyone overlooks the ratings these guys get. They are higher than all of the rest added up.

Obama is the real clown or shouldI say latest puppet. He is a smart guy, smooth talker, but no substance. A one hit wonder. Four and out.

Anonymous said...

I consider myself a true independant. As far as Obama goes, I like his approach to foreign policy. I am far more skeptical of his domestic policy. I don't approve of the debt he is creating nor do I approve of the way he handled General Motors but I am willing to give him some more time to work through the mess that was handed to him. This juror is still deliberating.