Sunday, January 27, 2008


Now that we have begun the spring override season, I think it is fair to ask, "What changes have been made since last year to stem the flow of red ink?"
I believe the answer is not much. We have had Tuesday working sessions by the Select Board, citizen input meetings by the school superintendent, and added members to the Personnel Board. But has the town implemented any of the recommendations of the DOR from their July 07 report? I don't think they have. Many of these are administrative changes that only require someone to direct that they be done. Have they implemented any other changes besides the DOR recommendations? I don't think so.
Turning off the streetlights has resulted in a fiasco of lamp removal and subsequent reinstallation. The town has already had to ask the Finance Committee for $65,000 and received $40,000 from reserve funds for the overrun in the street lighting budget this year. The $1.8 million transferred off the budget to the new solid waste enterprise fund has been gobbled up by expenditure growth which is still outstripping revenue.
So what's the plan? We'll know soon because override questions have to get to the town clerk by early February to make the April general election ballot.
Let's hope that the town's side entry into the override sweepstakes is as informative as the school department request. Although I have philosophical differences with the school administration about priorities, I have to compliment their initiative plan. They lay out what they need, why they need it, and what will be done if they don't get the money. That's the way it should be done. Hope the town side is as well thought out.
David Bowie sang:
I still don't know what I was waiting for,
And my time was running wild,...
Don't want to be a richer man,...
Just want to be a different man,

Barry informs us in comments that policies to limit appropriations to the annual fall meeting and to not use non recurring revenue for funding ongoing operations were adopted, and a municipal health consultant has been hired. A forward looking plan may soon be issued. All the above were recommendations of the DOR

Update on DOR recommendations is on the Select Board agenda for Monday 1/28. Be sure to watch if interested.

1 comment:

Barry said...

Bill, Just finished going over DOR Recommendations in preperation for the CFRG presentation. You are correct to say that not much has been done. Here are some of the things they have done. REC#1 They have been working on the plan and I believe we'll see it very soon. REC#3 The fincom did develop a new reserve policy and it has been reasonably well adhered to. REC#5 Town meeting did a pretty good job limiting budget appropriations to spring meeting. REC# 8 A municipal health care consultant was retained. Not sure if there are any results though.