Monday, March 31, 2008

Health care and employees

This article was cited in comments on the last post. I thought I would bring it up to this level. I think it illustrates a good point about health care and I hope we can get it done in Dartmouth. I would start talking to our municipal unions right now about it. It is going to take a bit to get it done but I think it is needed. In my opinion, an even better solution would be to get national health care like most of the other developed world. Then the burden would not only be taken off states, towns, and cities but corporations, companies and small businesses. It could help our country compete in the global economy since European, Japanese and Chinese companies don't have to pay these costs.


Anonymous said...

Bill I just want to thank you for bringing this information to the public. People want to have access to information like this but they don't always have the time to do the research. You are doing it for them. Now they can analyze it and make their own decisions. If they don't agree then they can look into it further. Good luck to you tomorrow. You have my vote!

Anonymous said...

Yes, national health care would be a great thing for our country and of course our town as well.
Health care has been a hot issue for almost 20 years plus in the private sector. This is another example of why the town is suffering. Both Clinton and Obama have health care plans. Let's hope one of them gets elected!

Anonymous said...

Nope, I will pay for my own heatlh thank you very much. I do not want to pay for every Tom Dick and Harry that are too lazy to pay for their own health care.
Seems a bit of a contradiction to not be willing to pay for a decent education system in our own town and then go on to say you'd be willing to pay for my health care-no thanks, your track record for supporting others does not bode well for taking care of me.

Anonymous said...

Who pays for the health care costs in these countries you cite Bill? I dont need or want BIG GOVERNMENT to run a big health care program and tax me to death for it. Work hard, make money, take care of yourself and your family and the rest takes care of itself.

Bill Trimble said...

Some here seem to feel that educating a child is a public responsibility but it seems that keeping our children, elderly, and others in good health is a private responsibility. Society benefits from educated citizens. Does it not also benefit from healthy ones?

Anonymous said...

Are these the same people who are telling me I should pay for their childrens' after school activities? Ironic.

Anonymous said...

That's right BillT, public education is just that - public. Health care is a private responsibility. If someone wants to smoke all their lives that's their call but I don't want to pay to keep them going.
I also don't want you calling the shots when it comes time to pay the bills. Just think about it, times get a little tough in the economy and you'll be looking to cut services instead of suply what's needed. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

Big government should not be in charge of health care whether its Obama or Hillary. Private, free market services have been doing just fine by me thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Bill u really are a joke. How can u compare healthcare to public education. So let's see you draw the line on property taxes but give Uncle Sam a blank check funded by working peoples income taxes. Or maybe you thing healthcare should be staffed with volunteers too and thus cost nothing.