Friday, March 14, 2008

Increased State Aid announced

The state has allocated all of the 4.4% of added revenue to Chapter 70 aid. Dartmouth will receive about a 2% hike, about $200,000. You can read about it in the S-T here.
Mr Lynam of the Finance Committee has pointed out to me that the "increase" in state aid is not an increase. The aid announced is exactly the same as the governors House 2 budget amount from Jan 22. As sometimes occurs when talking about government numbers, things are not always as they seem. One needs to be careful about increases and cuts, increases are often over proposed amounts and cuts are often to requested increases. In both cases, the actual dollar amounts can be in the opposite direction that the wording, increase or cut, seems to indicate. That would seem to be the case here.


Anonymous said...

To the CFRG – you claim to be for the people but when an opportunity to serve the people presents itself why didn’t you respond. I refer to the Library fundraiser last evening. The only member of your clan in appearance was Diane Gilbert. No Bill Trimble, no Barry Walker, no Marianne Walker yet you want to promote a volunteer style government structure funded by charity. The CFRG is sponsoring a candidate night and questions why anyone running for office would not want to appear among the people. Well I put the same question to you Bill. Where were you last night? Is it possible you are only comfortable mixing with people who are of the same mindset? Remember Bill, if elected, you would serve all of us not just the CFRG.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I guess I will see you tonight at the Grange.

Anonymous said...

How will I know it's you?

Bill Trimble said...

We all have a myriad of responsibilities. TO our selves, our families, and as citizens. One of the responsibilities that I have is to run a maintenance department. Occasionally due to wear and tear, a major piece of equipment has to be overhauled. Since our production facility runs during the day, some big maintenance jobs have to be done in the wee hours of the morning. That was the case last night for me. We've just now finished up at 7AM. We all have to set priorities and the demands of my work sometimes conflict with other things. That's my life, such as it is.
I think in general I am a pretty affable guy and I don't mind if people disagree with me. I doubt that a library fundraiser would be a particularly hostile environment for me or anyone else. I do like the give and take of a good discussion and am genuinely interested in what others think and why. Hence this blog. Sometimes they persuade me to change my mind, sometimes they change theirs, sometimes we agree to disagree. It's all good.
I've answered you because I am running for public office and so have chosen to make at least some of my private affairs open. I'll let the Walker speak for themselves if they choose. Really I think what they do with their time is their business and no one else's.

Anonymous said...

This is why I asked the question on another thread "Barry did some candidates give you a reason for not attending?" to which I have yet to receive an answer. So I will ask it again. For maybe just as Bill cites his reason for not attending last nights Library Fundraiser maybe some of the other candidates have stated a reason they cannot attend the CFRG sponsored candidate night as well. So Barry or Marianne could you please answer this question??

Anonymous said...

If some candidates would like to state their reasons for not attending, I think they are quite capable of speaking for themselves.

Anonymous said...

What we support is a personal choice. Have you volunteered your time, contributed money, or donated an item to the DNRT auction? Have you volunteered your time to the Lloyd Center? Have you volunteered your time and money to Animal Advocates which does amazing work for the citizens of Dartmouth? Have you given to the police league? Have you volunteered your time and expense to mentor at risk youth? Have you taken time to research town issues? Have you attended COA events? Of course I wouldn't know if you have or not because you choose to remain anonymous but we have.

Anonymous said...

You'll have to take my word that, yes I have donated in one way or another to many of those organizations and others, however as an individual citizen in this town that is not choosing to make headlines and influence appointments to town boards, as well as implement new town policy I can remain anonymous without repercussions. However your 'steering committee's' requirement to remain in the shadows is much more concerning to me than some individual citizen's desire to remain anonymous on an internet forum.

Anonymous said...

Any and all statements given by candidates not attending will be read at the event.

Anonymous said...

So if the CFRG has already received statements from those not attending why wouldn't you just post them here as requested? Could it be that they are real life reasons for not attending just as Bill's reason for not attending the Library function?

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, but choosing to attend or not attend a voter information session WILL influence my vote. If these folks cannot listen to and respond to ALL voters, how can I believe they will appropriately represent ALL voters. Each voter and their opinions should be equal in the eyes of our elected representatives.

Anonymous said...

To dartmouth....spoken like a true member of the CFRG. Trying to equate their event with a true non-partisan event like the March 27th candidate night sponsored by the Rotary Club that has been hosted by them for as long as I can remember. But of course it’s not good enough for it isn’t sponsored by the CFRG, the newest and all knowing policy and decision-making organization in Dartmouth that all should listen to and follow or risk being discredited.

Anonymous said...

The CFRG candidates night was scheduled for March 14th. When it was brought to our attention that the library's event was the same evening, we decided to change the date to the 15th. We then sent out another notice to our members changing the date and encouraging them to attend the library's event stating that we encourage everyone to support the services they use.

Anonymous said...

I understand the schedule issues, lots of things and events to try and attend, priorities need to be set as BillT said, since having a vibrant library is important for me I made time for the golf event with my family the but not the murder/mystery event for example, so for me attendence to each and every event is not a deal breaker for me as it may be for others, however I am curious if we'll get introduced to the cfrg steering committee at the forum.

Unknown said...

To the anonymous poster claiming that I am a member of the CFRG - you are wrong. See how assumptions can get out of control quickly? I am not a member, and am not a solid "no" voter. I am tax paying Dartmouth resident, and I'm trying to make up my mind about the various override and candidate decisions by listening to ALL candidates and their views, doing my own research, and then using that information to make a thoughtful decision.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous. Since this forum is about the candidates not the CFRG, we will not be introducing the steering committee. However they will not be hiding in the shadows so come and mingle.

To anonymous, the point of attending is to hear from the candidates.

Unknown said...

Looking forward to seeing people from all walks of life, all economic backgrounds, and all viewpoints at the Grange and the Rotary event. Here's hoping it is informative!