Friday, March 7, 2008

Who am I? Why am I running for Select Board?

Unless your son or daughter has played lacrosse in Dartmouth in the last few years, you probably have no idea who I am and you probably question my sanity for running for Select Board. Since I am not well known and quite sane, you may want a chance to assess me in person. There will be several opportunities in the next few weeks before the April 1st election to meet and question me if you would like.

On Wednesday , March 12th, I will be at the VFW on Cross Road at 7PM. The meeting is normally for members only, but they are opening this one up to the public.

On Saturday, March 15th, I will be at Candidate's Night at the Dartmouth Grange at 7PM

On Thursday, March 27th, I will be at Candidate's Night at the Town Hall, time to be determined
If you would like to host a few friends and neighbors and have me over for a cup of coffee and a chat, email me at and we can set up a time and date.
If none of those dates suit you and you are still curious, read here , watch me on You Tube here or just browse around the posts and comments here. I comment as BillT


Anonymous said...

Bill the Candidates night on Saturday March 15th that you list as one of your appearances isn’t just a "candidates night" similar to the one on March 27th that is sponsored by the Rotary Club (a truly non partisan organization) as you suggest please be honest as the event on the 15th is sponsored by the CFRG which is why some candidates will not be attending and no I am not one of those candidates but I only think it fair that you make that clear to anyone reading your blog.

Bill Trimble said...

I have not turned away any request to meet with the public. As I said, I am not well known in the town. You are correct that the Citizens for Responsible Government (CFRG) is sponsoring the candidate's night at the Grange. I am not aware of who is attending other than myself. Why would other candidates decline to meet with the public, especially at a time when they are asking the taxpayer to pay more tax. It seems to me that this is an excellent opportunity to tell them what is needed and why.

Anonymous said...

The CFRG is sponsoring the candidates night on March 15th. John Fitzpatrick (non-member, former member of the Coalition) will be the moderator. Why wouldn't the candidates want to take advantage of an offer to address voters and make known their views and positions on town issues? It's a great opportunity to speak to a segment of voters who, without this event, may never have an opportunity to hear what these candidates have to say. I would think the candidates would want to reach out to as many voters as possible.

Anonymous said...

BillT: Are you a member of this CRG organization?

Anonymous said...

People would have an opportunity to hear from all the candidates at the non-partisan Rotarian event as well so not sure why it would be inferred that some members of the community may never have the opportunity to hear from the candidates have to say.
Does that mean some members of the community would not go to a rotarian event? What have the rotarians ever done to offend anyone?

Anonymous said...

No, not at all. Having two separate events gives people an opportunity to attend at least one of them. We all have busy schedules and one date may not work for everyone. I don't know why you would assume it has anything to do with a negative view of the Rotary Club or their event.

Anonymous said...

This happens to be a large town. Not everyone can make it to every event. I will not be able to attend the VFW event, so I'm glad I have another opportunity. Candidates have met the voters at the Grange in Russells Mills Village for as long as I can remember. Perhaps it's more convenient for citizens in the north of town to attend the VFW while the Grange is closer for those from the south of town. The Rotary Club's event will be at the town hall which is somewhat in the middle.
It is important that people meet and hear the candidates so they can make an informed decision.

Anonymous said...

Oh now I understand what I read in John Fitzpatrick's letter to the editor about disturbing tactics plague override debates. Apparently you are using him as you non-partisan draw since people started questioning the fairness of a CFRG sponsored debate.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, first anonymous had a problem with the CFRG sponsoring a candidates night because she said they were biased. Now she has a problem with them having a non-member, non-partisan moderator. She just seems to have a problem with anything the CFRG does.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to any of the forums, they'll just tell you what you want to hear anyway.I've heard enough here anyway to know enough to vote some new blood in. Voting no across the board too. Give the new guys an opportunity to build from the ground up.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the Rotary Club sponsored candidate night, which is March 27th at 5:30PM in Town Hall room 304. This in my opinion is truly a non-partisan even as it is not put on by an organization that has an opinion on the override, candidates, etc. I also wish to attend an event where I can here all of the candidates speak not just the candidates that either are a member of the CFRG or are afraid of what will be said about them if they don't attend, which sadly I read in Curt Brown’s blog from Marianne Walker and I assume other CFRG members that if candidates don’t attend then they are hiding something. These type of threats are in print and just plain wrong and no I am not one of the candidates I am just a Dartmouth resident that won’t give any legitimacy to an organization that uses threats to get people to do their bidding!

Anonymous said...

anonymous, it is now clear that you have officially lost your mind. You interpret quotes instead of actually quoting them, you give opinions as facts, you put words in other people's mouths, and then when those things don't suit your purpose, you just make things up.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, The only threats being made are from wit's end on Curt Brown's blog. But don't worry, several of the police are in the CFRG and they are investigating.

Anonymous said...

Any candidate who chooses to attend any event sponsored by this group should be in therapy. They are setting themselves up for an attack. Of course, Bill is part of the group so he should be safe.

Anonymous said...

I believe any candidate running for office in the town should speak to ALL citizens, not just a special neighborhood of people who agree with them. Our elected officials are suppose to serve the ENTIRE town!
If any elected officials choose not to attend any event just because they don't agree with another opinion, they don't belong running for office where they will be serving the WHOLE town.
Come on now...everyone has an opinion no matter what organization they choose to belong.
I have heard that Joan Britto has said that she will attend. I don't know about any other school com. candidates. I hope they all attend all events to give the whole town a chance to hear a statement and take a few questions. I for one, want to see and hear all the candidates!

Anonymous said...

ND Mom, why would you characterize the Rotary event as only representing a small neighborhood of people? They've done these events for years and run a great forum. I did'nt know the Roatary represented any particular 'neighborhood'.

Anonymous said...

anonymous, there you go again. Interpreting quotes to serve your own purpose. nd mom was referring to the candidates, not the rotary club. You really must try to read things closely instead of always jumping to your own strange conclusions. Why all the negativity? Why would you try to scare candidates into not attending?

Anonymous said...

Concerned - I can bloody well read what was written without interpretation from anyone else.

It says-

"I believe any candidate running for office in the town should speak to ALL citizens, not just a special neighborhood of people who agree with them."

It was being discussed within the context of the Rotary Club discussion. I'm not trying to scare anyone, candidates should go or not go to any forum they want to be it CFRG or Rotary sponsored. No negativety here - why so sensitive?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous You say "Any candidate who chooses to attend any event sponsored by this group(CFRG) should be in therapy. They are setting themselves up for an attack." Then you say "I'm not trying to scare anyone" Your arguments are so ridiculous that nobody could possibly take them seriously. Perhaps you should give the readers a little more credit for being able to see through your tactics. We should be getting the results of the police investigation into Wit's End's threats before the April election. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear.
In my opinion, candidates should try to attend ALL events in the town. After all, if elected they will represent the entire town.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for clarifying NDMOM- I do understand what you are saying now.
To townworker - I am not the anonymous that posted the therapy comment.