Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Have a good Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving may be my favorite holiday. Nothing but a feast to prepare and to share with friends and family. Time to reflect on the blessings that have come my way. My wife, my children, my home and country.
I'll probably not be posting for the next few days. Here are some excerpts from previous posts to read in the meantime.
Tone and substance

One of the goals that I have in creating this blog and in running for Select Board is to raise the level of discussion in the town. While I disagree with the positions taken by LizO, Phil Lenz, Kathleen or TheSherpa/Kali in comments on this blog, that's it. We disagree. I have not questioned their reasonableness or their good intentions. They have laid out their side and I have argued mine. I'm sure they are good people who want the best for their families and the town. What we have are philosophical differences. (...) I think the town understands the need for more funding but wants priorities set, some cuts, and a commitment going forward to try to live within our means. My take is that the townspeople lack confidence in the current administration to get that done.

... Take it for what it is
I think it is important that we not ascribe criticism leveled at ourselves, or town leaders, or anyone else to some sort of bad faith, mean-spiritedness, or personal vendetta. I hope that those who comment here are genuinely interested in resolving the fiscal problems in Dartmouth. We may disagree with town leaders and each other, but it's not personal. We have differences, that's all. If we discuss them civilly and reasonably, all can come to a better understanding of the goals and objectives of the other side. Some may be persuaded and some may not. Even if the differences persist, we have all gained insight, sharpened our logical arguments, and perhaps, found common ground.

Citizens and the public forum
There are many citizens of Dartmouth who give of their time and talents to serve the town. The list is lengthy and runs from PTOs, COA, town boards and committees, Town Meeting, Select Board, and many others. Some citizens, while not serving as elected or appointed officials, contribute by attending meetings and adding their perspectives, asking questions, and giving advice. The citizens of this town are her greatest resource! In any government or organization, there are bound to be disagreements and differences of opinion. That is to be expected.
What I find disturbing right now in our town is the lack of civil discourse that occurs when these differences crop up. While I may disagree on an issue with Ellen, Barry, Liz, Nat, Henry, or Phil, I don't think they are bad people. I just disagree on a certain issue. There are some other issues that may come up on which we then might agree. And I am sure that I should I meet any of them at the beach or school event or other function, we'd all have a nice time together. I suggest that when thinking about these differences, both sides keep in mind that those on the other side are just like them. They love their children and families, go to work, school and church, play, suffer personal tragedies and triumphs. They don't hate you, wish you ill, or want to hurt you in any way. They have a different opinion, that's all.
Those others, as citizens, have the same right as you do to advance their arguments in the public forum, in newspaper opinions, public meetings, and even the blogosphere. The public is well able to discern what they will take or leave from the arguments of both sides. So inform them, convince them, make the best argument that you can. The people will see through demagoguery, deception or dishonesty and chose what is best for them. In our democratic system, everyone gets a say but the electorate decides.

Eat turkey, hug the cook, be excellent to each other, reflect on those less fortunate, give thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Bill to you and your family and thanks for all you do for the town!

Anonymous said...

Happiest Turkey Day Bill, Monday may be for the birds and chipmunks, just kiddin!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Bill, and to your family. We are fortunate to have you on the Select Board.