Saturday, November 22, 2008

Mr. Kevin Lee on change

In comments to this post, Disappointed said,

I am very disappointed to see Mr. Lynam's op ed piece on this blog. Mr. Trimble, you had decided not to allow comments to your post about the executive session where Mr. Gagne was told that his contract would not be renewed. So be it . . .that's fair. I don't believe the same can be said of choosing to post op ed pieces that reflect only one point of view. Please give this some thought and, in fairness, post all the op ed pieces on the topic or none of them.
And Wally said,
Bill, I agree with anonymous that wants you to post letters to the editor from both sides of the executive administrator issue. Could you post Kevin Lee's letter so we can hammer it soundly into oblivion?

Here is the link to Mr. Lee. In my reading of his argument,...

... I find one valid point of argument,
As our community struggles with the current financial crisis, we need the experience, dedication and proven record of Michael Gagne as the town's executive administrator.
As has been reported in the Standard Times, a majority of the Select Board has a different opinion.
Most of the rest of his arguments are beside the point or factually incorrect. For example, he cites the timing of this action.
This happened after the fall Town Meeting, before the annual spring elections, and near the beginning of the holiday season, a time when people's attention turns to anything but town affairs.
The decision to appoint a town administrator is given to the Select Board, as I pointed out in this post. Town Meeting has nothing to do with it, the present appointment expires in February and that is when the appointment can be made.
He gets his facts wrong,
But the more factual and distasteful answer is this: Ms. Gilbert and Mr. Trimble, the last two selectmen elected, came into office largely with the help of the anti-government and anti-tax "let's throw them out" bloc of voters.
Bold emphasis mine
I was elected in April 2008, but April 2007 saw Mr. Michaud's election and Ms. Dias' re-election. Ms. Gilbert was elected and Mr. Carney re-elected in 2006. I guess the "Let's throw them out" crowd split in the 06 or 07 town elections. Or are voters actually choosing those candidates whose views they support?
Mr. Lee mentions state audits done without finding malfeasance and salary surveys showing competitive wages. And that tells us what? The town should expect good management and proper compensation.
Next, he asks,
Chairman Michaud has long stated publicly that he wanted to take the town in a new direction. So we now see what the current majority of the board has in mind. If this is so, why have we, the citizenry, not been apprised of the new direction that the Select Board majority has in mind for us?
I think a fair review of the record of the Select Board over the past couple years reveals the answer. Hence the Budget and Revenue Task Force was commissioned, the Privatization Committee created, the Personnel Board resurrected, a new "reverse budgeting" policy created and employed, a new policy on one time revenue adopted, a list of override questions were formulated and put the the voters along with accompanying discussions about the future. Looking at the record, one could reasonably conclude that the Select Board wanted to change things.
Those interested in my views can read this blog. I suggest starting here and here.
There is my response to Mr. Lee's arguments. Comment below.


Anonymous said...

apologies Mr. Lee if you did not expect to be treated in this manner.

Anonymous said...

I agree completely with Mr. Lee's letter today. Well written. Like I said earlier just because you can force change does not mean you have to change. Be responsible. These three amigos on the select board will not make a another term which makes these changes more dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lee is just trying to save his own butt. Remember when the town was discussing getting rid of his position? Members of FinCom agreed but Michael Gagne got up to defend him and save his job. If Gagne goes where will Mr. Lee be? Who is he trying to kid?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lee is another asset to this community and for the small money we pay him we are lucky to have him. Of course as with many in town, Mr Lees will now be persecuted by any and all who can only see the value of a dollar if it;s in his own wallet.

Anonymous said...

Mr Lee, like Mr Gagne, has had a good run. He should go to church and thank God for what the town has given him. Instead, he is trying to stir up as much divisiveness and mistrust of the majority of the Select Board as possible. It is all transparently obvious that his job would be a logical cut. Mr Lee's position was nice to have in a booming economy but girl power and banana splits are not vital to the town. They are extras that we can no longer afford. His "movement" will not gain any traction because his supporters will be limited to a few town employees that are in the same boat as him. Best of luck in your future endeavors, Mr Lee.

Anonymous said...

Small money??? If 70k is small money to you then good for you but most people in town wouldn't agree. Mr. Lee is not a necessity and Dartmouth cannot afford luxuries. Mr. Lee is just trying to incite the town to serve his own agenda. Shame on him.

Anonymous said...

It must be tough when you live in fantasyland and all of a sudden reality sets in. The bottom line is that this is over and done with. Even according to the Standard Times, the District Attorney said that the worst case scenario for the Select Board is that they will have to take a vote on this in public session. The public voted for change and that's what they are getting. Funny how the old guard fights change tooth and nail until it happens, then they immediately start calling to change what has just been changed. It's over Kevin. Time to move on.

Anonymous said...

I knew I was right. It would not take long for this crowd to start chasing down someone else. Mr Lee has done a lot for this community and last I checked his salary was some $54,000 which is indeed a small price to pay for what he has done for this town. I stand by my original comment about how this town values a dollar.

Anonymous said...

It would figure that someone who believes his salary is $54k would be the one sticking up for him. Some people just don't get it. His salary is $66,393.30 with extra longevity pay of $600. Now throw in the benefits which the budget and finance director uses a calculation of 30-35% and you are approaching $90,000 for Mr Lee to administer Girl power and Banana Splits.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lee is doing a fine job of drawing attention to himself. I don't think he realizes how much this attention will convince people that his position on the payroll is not necessary and too costly for the town. As I have always maintained, when you have it good, keep your mouth shut and stay under the radar. Keep up the good work Mr. Lee. You are doing a fine job!

Anonymous said...

The S-T website says Lee had a gross pay of $67,293.30 in 2008. Average pay for social workers in Massachusetts is $44,388. His salary is in the 88th percentile (i.e. he makes more than 87 percent of all social workers in Massachusetts with 21-25 years experience.) So much for the modest salary argument.

Anonymous said...

The problem with most people who post here is they stand in support of nothing. You know nothing about Mr. Lee or what he has done for countless members of our community and you place no value on it. You do not know what Mr. Gagne has contributed to this town and you're not even curious. i am deeply embarrassed that such short sighted, uncaring individuals seem to have such sway with our town governance.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you anonymous 7:40am, just hardly read this blog anymore because of how sad and mean spirited it truly has become.

Anonymous said...

yep the lynch mob mentality is alive and well in Dartmouth and on this blog.

Anonymous said...

A secret and cowardly majority:

Anonymous said...

Once again back to the let's find someone cheaper (or better yet no one at all because I get no direct benefit from this particular service) argument when its been shown over and over again Dartmouth salaries are not out of line. I never realized there were so many envious people out there who would rather complain about someone elses salary then make a better one themselves.

Anonymous said...

I see some people got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. It's a beautiful, sunny day out. Bundle up, go out and take a walk, and stop complaining for a while. You all sound as bad at the people you are complaining about!

Anonymous said...

Yes the lynch mob mentality is at work here. I remember not too long ago the CFRG was being blamed for everything that the mob didn't agree with. Then it became Mr. Trimble. Now it seems Ms. Gilbert and Mr. Michaud in particular are joining the ranks.

Anonymous said...

To anon 9:44, The message is; "be careful who you align yourself with." The voters will decide how to clean this mess up. I'm sure that Ms. Gilbert will be gone and Mr Trimble after one term and Mr Michaud will be thrown out for the lack of professionalism. We will all be asking ourselves after three years with each, "What did they accomplish other than divide the town and throw stones."

Good luck to all.

Anonymous said...

Wally and Disappointed, too much talk, maybe? This is not a pro/con issue that has the potential for splitting the town apart. This the opportunity to make some changes that will affect how our government is run and make our (the Dartmouth residents') voices heard. The residents would have a say in it, I would imagine, if only to make suggestions as to how the Charter could/should be changed, and what new provisions should be made.

Isn't that the goal of (most) residents: to formulate written policy that is equitable to everyone, both town/school employees and the residents themselves?

So it takes time; Rome wasn't built in a day. It sounds like because it is time-consuming, it shouldn't even begin to be attempted, at least not now. When would bea good time to start, then? It may not affect the current governing policy or people involved, but it certainly could affect future policy, and isn't that what we want? I should think that would be a good thing, and something worth fighting for.

It would be a chance for everyone to provide some imput, I would think, even those diehard, "no change needed" people.

And, for what it's worth: whether or not Mr. Gagne has had performance reviews, the public is not allowed access to them. They are listed as exemptions to the Mass Public Records Law, Exemption (c) - The Privacy Exemption.

Anonymous said...

Not to change the subject (I have somehow messed up my ability to get on Curt's blog) but has it occurred to anyone who keeps harping on where Bill and Diane sat (together, apart from the rest of the SB) that one of them may have been the first to arrive and the others followed, and THEY could/should have sat in the empty seats NEXT TO THEM? That being the case, it could be said that the rest of the SB SHOULD have sat with them, not the other way around.

P.S. Bill arrived first, then Diane. Lots of empty seats next to both of them for the rest of the SB to sit next to them. Too bad it wasn't televised for all to see.

(Maybe they should have all assembled outside and when everyone arrived, all trouped in together, too? Then, if there were not enough seats all together and they had to take seats away from each other, no one posting could accuse them of "CONSPIRACY.")

Post about something worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

Mr Lee IS NOT a social worker. It would be nice for Mr. Lee to post his education, indicating why this town needs him

Anonymous said...

Mr LEE is not a licensed social worker. It would be nice if he published his credentials as to why this town needs him.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lee is the Youth Advocate anonymous 12:01, what difference would it make to post his credentials here as the majority of the supporters of this website are the CFRG and they have made it very clear how unsupportive they are when it come to the youth of this town.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the voters will decide once again. If the last election is any indication, then we are in for a real treat. Newly elected members who have the town's best interest in mind. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

As a town employee (not Kevin Lee) I am very distressed about the way this whole situation has been handled. Town employees are by and large a hard working group of people who, like anyone else, put in their time and try to do the best job they can. This constant barrage of criticism of town employees takes its toll and the way Mr. Gagne was treated makes many of us feel unwelcome. I am not the cause of Dartmouth's problems and yet many of us are made to feel like we should always be looking over our shoulders. 17 years of service to this town and I never thought I would live to regret it. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:15, I would agree that we should start the process of a charter reform commission as soon as possible. There are several forms of government to choose from other than having an elected Mayor. They should all be scrutinized. Town Meeting with 390 members is something this town has outgrown.

Anonymous said...

This is dumb. Bill and Diane were sitting one one end, then the School Dept.--The other SB people would have had to crawl over people to get to Bill and Diane (think corner of upside down U shape). People were sprinkled everywhere. Mr. Cordeiro had to make room for nat who was last to arrive. Michaud wasn't there. Carney was next to Iacaponi and Fin Com...This is silly and doesn't matter-but the table was in a way that people would have to climb over each other to get to a colleague.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about who sat near who? They were all there sitting in a circle. The fact that the Fincom, Select Board and School Admin were all there is a sign of progress in itself. Personally, I was glad to see some spirit of cooperation especially from School Admin. The fact that town meeting gave them half the money for text/tech and they were going to get the rest from the school's general fund was a sign that we are starting to realize that we are all in this together. Bravo! Continue the joint meetings.

Anonymous said...

Wally, I frankly doubt that many people care. And Anonymous 9:01 was right: it was an unusual configuration. There are far more important things to concern ourselves with than who sat next to whom.

Anonymous said...

You are not the cause. It is not your fault if employees are overpaid or receive overly generous benefits. You cannot be held responsible for that. However you cannot blame citizens for demanding a better balance between what is good for employees and what is good for the taxpayers. After all, we are footing the bill.

Anonymous said...

That's the kind of back-handed compliment that simply reinforces the stereotype of a town employee. I am not over paid, and my benefit package is absolutely not generous. I have earned every dollar I have made and then some and make no apologies for doing a days work for a day's pay.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but all you have to do is check the town payroll sheets to verify what town employees receive. Unless whoever is responsible for documenting this information is incorrect, it's all there in black and white.

Anonymous said...

Yes, do check and unless you are copletely in the dark you will see most town employees are not over paid. Most even work pretty damn hard but like any place elese a few bad apples should not set the tone for everyone else.

Anonymous said...

So what do the average town employees think of the salaries the top administrators are getting, and their benefits, some with that protection clause b in them?

Anonymous said...

For the most part there is not a lot of talk about top administration's pay. Our dep't is well run and our manager is well liked and respected by us. We don't generally have too much dealing with the top people in Town Hall though. No one that I talk to likes the clause B provisions but in practice they don't mean a whole lot. The way I understand the provision is that the lower level employees would be let go before the administraton goes. Is'nt that basically the way things work in private practice too? Maybe it's not written into contracts that way but I would expect the administration in most places to stay before the rank and file goes unless the company is so big and has lots of management levels which is not the case in our department.