Monday, September 8, 2008

Another beach sticker dust up

I have not written here that Mr Gagne was getting beach stickers for free. I am sure that he is not.
However, I am not offended that Mr. Carney would question something written here. If you want to see what he was talking about look in the comments of this post which had nothing to do with beach stickers and who buys them. If you are new to blogs, look here for some tips on how to navigate. The whole point of having discussion here is that sunshine is the best disinfectant. If I or someone else here makes an assertion that is not factual, then they should be willing to back it up with facts and documentation if necessary. On the other hand, I welcome everyone's opinion...

... and I want people to freely express them. for that purpose,I made the decision not to moderate (i.e. prescreen comments) and to allow people to post comments anonymously. The downside of that decision is that anonymity gives people license to say things that they might not if it was to be attributed to them. After weighing the two sides, I decided to go with the method that allowed the most free wheeling discussion.
That said, you need to evaluate what you read here carefully. Is the person willing to publicly stand behind it? Is a factual claim made and if so, has information been provided (e.g. a link to a definitive source)so that you can go and look at the underlying information yourself? If not, you will have to decide whether or not the claim is true.
Much of what is expressed here is opinion and therefore needs no backup. It's just an opinion and everyone is entitled to their own.


Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I have visited this blog. After hearing last nights SB meeting, I decided to see what all the fuss was about. Bob C. doesn't understand what blogs are about. I guess blogs are somewhat new to many people. It's one thing to ask a question on a blog... However, before a person accuses another, he or she should have the facts. Bob C. should not speak out until he sees for himself. Many of the blogs are opinions, some facts, some venting...just like you might hear in a coffee shop on any given morning. A lot of us don't have time to sit in the coffee shop, so we get to 'talk' to other town residents on this blog. Bill gives a lot of very useful information on this blog, more than our town website. He gives residents a place where they can vent or give an opinion or state the facts as they see them. It gets people interested in town government and I think it is a great addition to the town. Thanks Bill, I know it's a lot of work.

Anonymous said...

Good work with the blog Bill. I had to laugh when I heard the meeting last night.
Keep up the great reporting of town happenings.

Anonymous said...

Now that we have verified that Mike Gagne doesn't get free beach stickers, has anybody ruled out the rumor that Park Board members do? This came from someone who works at town hall.

Bill Trimble said...

I really don't care if the Park Commissioners get free beach stickers or not. They deserve to get them free in my opinion since they are unpaid for their service to the town. No big deal if we miss out on the revenue from 3 stickers.