Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Draft Fall Town Meeting warrant for download

You can download a draft of the Fall Town Meeting warrant here.
in Microsoft Word format. There have been a few changes from the earlier drafts and I will highlight a few here.

-The Personnel bylaw article has been dropped.

-The funding source for employee continuing education and disaster preparedness training has been changed from FY08 surplus revenue and combined to a single line item transfer of $20,000 from the group health insurance FY09 account.

-The elderly emergency oil funding has been changed from FY08 surplus revenue to a line item transfer to a newly created line item in the COA budget(Heating Oil Emergencies) which will also come from the FY09 group health insurance account.
more below...

-Added other line item transfers within FY09 accounts to pay for the cost of increases in wages due to new police and Dartmouth Town Employee Association contracts

-Added an article to transfer $625,000 from the Water Enterprise retained earnings to pay a settlement of a suit arising from the eminent domain taking of land near the town wells.

-Sets $300,000 as the amount of FY08 surplus revenue sought in an article to purchase a Reading Literacy and Textbook Package

Take a look and comment. Feel free to leave any questions that I may be able to answer in comments as well. This is not the official final warrant but it is getting closer to what the Town Meeting will get.


Anonymous said...

Article DD - Granting of Easement Mosher Lane: At a recent SB meeting, a top representative from the Fall River Five Cent Savings Bank met to discuss the Bank's interest in building a small office building if they had additional land that is behind the bank.

Is this the reason for the easement?

I also heard him mention wetlands.

Anonymous said...

How can Bank Five be granted an easement, when Mosher Lane is privately owned land? This does not make any sense.

Bill, do you know anything about this?