Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Congratulations to Detective Levesque

The Select Board voted to promote Detective Brian Levesque to sargeant last night. Congratulations to the detective, he is a fine officer as were the other candidates. The Select Board will be looking at other promotions to sargeant over the next few months as the command structure shakes out with promotions and retirements.

Some have commented that the recent promotions are going to cost the town more money. Not so, we pay lower ranking officers at the higher grade when they are serving in those slots.


Anonymous said...

Congratulation to sergeant Levesque. You are the best , the most qualified candidate, and the SB chose the right candidate. It's so nice to see that internal politics, for promoting police officers, has disappeared. Well, almost all!
What can they be saying at the Little Club? If this was the old SB, of not too long ago, everyone would have been promoted. Well, almost all!
Not too long ago, the SB of M.V.P.C. S. appointed four lieutenants, but no sergeants. Now we have quality SB members. Well, almost all!
As it appears, in the union contract, thanks to you know who, lieutenants can stand in for absent sergeants, but sergeants can not stand in for absent lieutenants. As a result of this stupid union agreement, the department can operate with out any more sergeants.
The police union, “NEVER” should have allowed the deputy Chiefs position, to be removed from civil service.

Anonymous said...

Condez is an outstanding candidate. I also liked the candidate that was promoted. It appears the SB are in total agreement with their choice. I say good luck to the new sergeant. Sergeant Levesque is well qualified. I didn't hear anything about college degree's. It must be a heart breaker, when someone is promoted from patrolman to sergeant, and the older soldiers can't do anything, but whine. I don't understand why they didn't appoint Condez. Something smells, and it's not just the Crapo Hill Dump. Condez has been around for a long time, and he always scores very high, on test. During the questioning, Condez commented, that the selectmen don't really know him yet. This officer has made several attempts at become a sergeant, and has been bypassed. What's up SB? I truly believe that the SB members, owe the candidates the reson for not being chosen, don't you agree??

Joe said...

Yah, I agree, sergeants shouldn't talk down to people.

Patrolman are assigned to cover a sector of town. As a result of a domestic situation, auto crash, a 911 call, or just a simple break into a M.V. the police dispatcher makes several attempts to contact the patrol sector officer. He/she is not responding to the contact calls. This, just happens to be the third or fourth time in one week that the same patrol sector officer has not responded to his dispatch contact. Other police sector officers, are dispatched to the sector, that is not responding.
What is a sergeant to do??

Set out a search party and locate the sector officer.
Wait until he/she decides to contact the station for a time check??

Once the patrol sector officer is located, what is a sergeant to do?
Have the sector officer report to the station?
Have a private sit down?
Ask them to answer their contact calls?
Give him/her a pat on the shoulder and have a sing along?
Put the sector officer on report?
Sit him/her down and ask politely, to answer your dispatch calls?
Do nothing, and be liked by everyone?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it has to do with Condez record and file. If I remember right I think he went in front of the Select Board a few years ago for a hearing. Maybe it has to do with that and also when he was answer Joe and Nat's questions he seemed to get a little bit of an attitude.

yours truly said...

The selectmen appoint three sergeants, so it make me think that they are going to appoint two more seregeants. I want to talk to the person who talked about not answering dispatch callers. I have a scanner and I know that some patrol cars are always the same ones that don't answer their calls. The day time shift is the worse ones for that stuff. Other then that I like the police they seem alright for the town people. The Condez guy I think he's a nice cop but sonething is wrong because nobody seem to apponit him. What gives with this town. Give the guy a chance or maybe you trade him with another town that want police. I like this guy he is so cute to me.

Anonymous said...

I dont know why the dirty laundry cant just be put out there. There is way too much "coded" talk. I say name names ! and bring it out in the open. In the announcement of the Capt position appoint there was even more "coded" talk. if you have facts bring them forward. Maybe there is a reason why certain people dont get promoted. To create "oh you know who, but dont say it" is stupid and doesnt accomplsih anything. facts speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, sergeant Leveque. WARNING........warning......WARNING.....

In all employments, some person is in charge. Yup, unless you own a business, you work for the man. In a quasi form of employment, police departments, officers are required to follow rules/regulations, as they apply to employment. These rules apply to all employee's, including those of rank.
Every employment, has it's groups. They are know as the complainers, critics, for or against someone. For the most part, they consist of employee's who have been unable to advance in rank It must be shameful, when a senior patrolman is not in contention for promotion, and a junior patrolman becomes his/her sergeant.
Sometimes, but not always, senior patrolman gather in groups of malcontents. These so called groups find comfort, safety, and camaraderie, amongst each other. Usually, they provide department discomfort, become slackers, and seldom answer their radio on the first call.
As the days turn into weeks, and months into years, they become more frustrated, and discontent is in full display. With the passing years, they begin to notice a grayness of hair, older looking, in some cases the patrolman in age, has gained enough experience to become a detective. This is an assignment by the chief, not selectmen. Now, they become more attached to police investigations. Plain clothes, unmarked police car, increase in salary, finally they feel important.
Maybe, some are assigned part time to fingerprinting/photography, or firearms identification. Now, they no longer associate with the groups. The groups feel betrayed by the gold detective badge, the group membership begin to attack their own, cannibalism at it's worse, their former member is an ass kisser, stroking the chief, he/she works part time for the I.D. Devision, when allowed by the sergeant. Yup, if the patrol shift has at least five members, the sergeant can assign him/her to work inside the detective devision. This is a rehearsal for advancement, into detectives. Yup, the groups have always been a part of any police department. They become the losers, why not me, who do you think you are, I'm not in that sector, why can't I do that, why did the chief chose him/her. They must have a selectman watching over them. It never ends, the names and the faces change, but the groups are always going to be nothing more then a group of losers.

Frank said...

This blog is too quiet. What happened to all the kool-aid drinkers? What happened to all the SB letter writers? Where is all the hate mail? He who laughs last, laughs best. Come-on guys, drink up!
Sergeant Levesque, will soon be patrolling the town. It must be one hell of a butt kicker, to watch the younger patrol officers promoted, and the old timers are just that, old timers. Instead of making predictions on promotions, you should be sticking your face into the study guides, and taking the promotional test. I can't wait for you kool-aid drinkers to pass the test.
The selectmen will appoint two more sergeants. You old timers, who can't get a high test score, will be calling Condez, and Lake, (Sarge) I can't wait.
If you feel, I don't have the yank, you had better look at the score cards. Just for your scrap book, the chief is planing on attaching UPS units in all patrol cars. Guess who came up with the idea??? I'll give you a hint, they meet on Monday evenings, at the town hall.

Anonymous said...

Condez, according to his own words is leaving the department for greener pastures. Why would he be appointed?

Anonymous said...

With GPS trackers becoming all the rage with overprotective parents, stalkers and jealous exes, it's only appropriate that a company has began manufacturing devices to counteract those GPS tracking devices. A spy-gadget company now has this Anti GPS Tracker available. It plugs into the 12V DC outlet of your vehicle and is capable of blocking GPS signals in a two to five meter radius.

Looks like the BOS is wasting their time. GPS tracking has come and gone.

Anonymous said...

New Bedford PD has been using GPS tracking on their cruisers for a few years. They dont seem to have any problems. If your doing your job then you have nothing to worry about. If your like Billy Dugan who parked at the mall all day and didnt respond to calls, yet said he did, then you are going to have problems. Most of the rotten wood in the dept have retired and the professionalism is much higher now.