Friday, September 25, 2009

New Executive Administrator contract

For those who are interested, the contract for the new Executive Administrator, Mr. David Cressamn, can be found at a link from this post at Curt's Brown's Standard Times blog.

His job description and goals and objectives are also included at the link.


Anonymous said...

Looks like sweet deal. I am so glad we are saving money with the new EA. Oh that's right, we aren't. I don't get it. This is the new direction? ALl those complaints about what Mike Gagne made and how ridiculous his contract was. This one compares pretty well. I still don't understand why unused sick days and vacation days accumulate and can be turned in at the end. Most businesses require you to use them or lose them. If you don't use them then thee is probably to many allocated. I think we could have saved some money here.

Anonymous said...

I read the contract online as well. Thanks Bill. I have managed businesses for some time. Let me be clear. You won't find a QUALIFIED individual to take this job for $90,000 like so many of you wish. Pretend if you wish. Make up stories if you wish. If the SB had hired someone for that amount, we'd be talking about removing someone not up to the task!
My private company pays far more than $125,000 for its chief administrators. I gaurentee that.

Anonymous said...

Bying back sick leave is a deterrent to abusing sick leave, which is an issue by itself. In the past when people got near retirement they would get a document from their doctor advising them to stay home for a period of time usually till their leave ran out , then that person would retire, using up 100% of his leave. Buying back only 20% saves money in th long run.

Anonymous said...

Remember ublic employees don't get long term disability from social security as they don't pay into the system. They use available sick time in case of illness.

Anonymous said...

Bill, I see you signed this contract, Which pretty much goes against everything you said or printed in the past, When a man can't stand up to his words,he's not a man he's an old fool Very disappointed Bill, One and out Bill, One and out.

Anonymous said...

The people on this blog dont care about public employees. They will always think they get paid to much. My only hope is that the these same people dont own a business, they probably pay terribly and do not give benefits either. Can anyone say WAL-MART.

Anonymous said...


Just remember, you can't please everyone. Some of the fools who post here seem to think that you can get a qualified, experienced administrator for $90,000 or less. These are the same dolts who are squawking about virtually any other expenditure made. They seem to completely miss the whole point in replacing Gagne. It wasn't to save 10 or 20 thousand. It was to get someone COMPETENT! He was simply incapable of managing an organization the size of Dartmouth. He couldn't effectively plan and did not have the stones to implement any reductions and reconfiguration even if he did plan.

I found the whole contract issue extremely disturbing and he was at the heart of that along with Doris, Miller and the rest of those SB clowns of 2006. That type of conniving sneaky approach was a complete abuse of hisand their authority and a breach of the public trust.

Thank god he is gone and we have someone who isn't aligned with the powers that be. Maybe just maybe we can continue to move in the new direction as promised.

Hang in there and keep fighting for the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

Aptly put: "a complete abuse of hisand their authority and a breach of the public trust."

Some people don't get THAT.

long time resident said...

Mr. Gagne and Mr. Cressman are like night and day! Mr. Gagne never set goals, never did evaluations for dept. heads, and never formed a long term plan for our town. Thank you to the current SB who worked so hard to set Dartmouth in the right direction. With regionalization, our new EA, and the belt tightening of our hard working dept. heads, Dartmouth is changing the way they deliver services. All SB members and dept. heads deserve a big thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'd somewhat qualify that "all" referencing the Board. Mrs. Dias was not thrilled with the Gagne situation.

But, yes, we are on the right track. Lots of people do need to be thanked.

Election is 2010, if you are not happy with a certain Board member. What we DO NOT NEED is someone hampering with the positive steps we are and want to take in the Town.

Anonymous said...

YEAH,like Joe the flip flop Michaud...who was against the split tax ...until he found out more people were for it. Same with the meal's tax,he would "usually be against more tax,but....more people wanted it he'll just go along with everything

Anonymous said...

Something must be said for Mrs. Dias' support of Mr. Gagne's suing the town. Oh, that's right: she actually publically encouraged him to do just that and said she'd be happy to pay if he won a lawsuit against the town.

Well, there's a perfect example of acting in the "best interests of the town," if I ever saw one.

Oh, let's not forget those ever-lasting contracts that she would no doubt like you to forget her role in, one, by the way, that she emphatically denied being part of, but documentation proves her wrong.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 9/28 at 3:34

So what you think people ought to do is ignore new facts and information and stick to original positions even though they no longer make sense? I think what Michaud did was review the information provided by liberals like Frank Gracie and others and decide that Dartmouth shouldn't be at the very bottom of the region in terms of business taxation. That we could and should tax the business sector a little more so we could give working families a break. I like a leader who isn't afraid to re-examine his or her positions and if information changes then change to make sense. There is a word for those who ignore changing circumstances and refuse to modify their positions; STUPID, but that is a term I am sure you are quite familiar with.

Anonymous said...

yeah like he went along with all of you Gagne supporters. He really rolled over on that one didn't he? My god do you understand anything in this town. He, Gilbert and Trimble stood up and did what was right in getting rid of Gagne and those dishonest contracts. They were attacked in newspaper and in the two hour "I like Mike" session and didn't budge because it was the right thing to do. I for one appreciate his dedication to doing what is right for the whole town and not the favored few. Get a clue!

Anonymous said...

Conservatives have two good legs and never learned to walk forward
FLIP-FLOP JOE MICHAUD said no three year contracts...but he signed a three year contract, kind of like the split tax (FLIP FLOP) He went against his conservative priciples as a republican and voted for the meals tax, he even said I wouldn't usually vote for more taxes but,.....

Anonymous said...

Unless I'm mistaken, if you are referring to the executive administrator's contract, the Department of Revenue has stated that the EA is to have a multi-year contract. It is state law.

Anonymous said...

Joe Michaud should have known that before making such a comment...he is the lawyer on the SB. Multi year can consist of a 2 year contract

Anonymous said...

Actually Town Meeting voted for the meals tax. I think the SB just put it to the TM.

In terms of the split tax I believe that the facts justified the change. Gracie did a great job showing how the town was screwing itself on revenue by keeping an antiquated tax policy in place. Because Michaud changed his position we now have more balanced revenue and in case you didn't notice there hasn't been a mass migration of businesses from town.

We need leaders who can recognize change and adapt accordingly. This wasn't so much a change in principle as it was in policy. What was raised on one side was lowered on the other.

This is probably lost on you however so move to Mattapoisett and reunite with the genius.

Anonymous said...

I think Joe was opposed to "Lifetime" contracts and not three year deals. The three year deal is often necessary to get qualified individuals to apply. If Cressman doesn't work out we can non renew after three years and let him go. That is an option we did not have with Gagne and still don't have with the other lifetime appointees.

How's that for accountability

Anonymous said...

no, Joe was against 3 year deal

Anonymous said...

TM voted for it, but Joe said he was for it even though he wouldnt be usually

Anonymous said...

The only thing Joe has done is hire a new EA...GREAT!! after 3 years...he did something...lets just wait and see if this new guy works himself in. I hope he does....but before we can gauge success let's wait for a verdict

Anonymous said...

There are no lifetime appointees anymore. Their contracts expired and they are at-will employees.

Anonymous said...

Wishful thinking until a new contract is signed or the employee is terminated the old contract is in force

Anonymous said...

Ask for yourself at Town Hall.

Anonymous said...

They are "at will" employees? Really? If that's the case why is Mrs. Coply still working at town hall?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

...and after one year on the job, the people who responded to a recent ST survey overwhelmingly confirmed (65%) that the man you chose is a FAILURE. That should play well into your reelection bid Bill.