Monday, September 7, 2009

Yes, we can reform health care! Show your support!

Health Care Rally today at Boston Common 11PM.
Several members of Congressare reportedly attending


Anonymous said...

No we can't, show your support!

Anonymous said...

like Ray said, how can you call healthcare reform Communist and act as if you dont support communism yourself when every dollar you spend supports the largest communist country in the world. It seems hypocritical. Support Fair trade not free trade

Anonymous said...

Ray is a communist!

Popcorn said...

Speaking of Ray, Now that he has said he is willing to compromise on pension reform, is he willing to sign a proclamation demanding that our legislators allow municipalities to offer 401k's with social security and medicare for pensions like the rest of us have?

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

Yes, I am willing to sign a proclomation. If I believe in something I stand by what I say.
I do not flip flop on issues like most politicians do,just to earn votes.

Anonymous said...

Ray, this popcorn person should write a proclomation himself.he wants you to do it? Why? Ray your an up and coming leader in this town and your policies are for the betterment of the community as a whole, but dont waste your time conversing with popcorn,anonymous,and any other aliases. These people are workers behind closed doors because they are scared to show their faces. they are nothing but puppets in a game.

Popcorn said...

I did not ask Ray to write the proclamation, only to sign it. Right now I am trying to see what kind of support such a thing would have. If the support is there, I will take care of drafting it. And thank you Ray for your support of such a proclamation. There is hope for you yet.

Anonymous said...

Ray, you seem to be referring to yourself as a politician. "I do not flip flop on issues as most politicians do" Have you won the election already???

anon 1:31 p.m. Why do you have a problem with someone asking Ray a question? I didn't see anything wrong with the question. If Ray is a "politician", then he should expect to be asked questions. By the way, I notice you didn't attach a name to your post yet you criticize others for posting anonymously.

Terry Brum said...

Hello Bill, This is one of my first post on your blog, which is an excellent site. I work in the trenches of health care. Many things have to be taken into account in this country regarding health care. Japan, Switzerland and France are amount the healthiest nations. Diet and lifestyle play a huge role in this. Defensive medicine is practiced daily because of the potential for lawsuits. Many test are unnecessary but they are ordered even though they are not warranted in clinical judgment. Thirty percent of Americans are obese. I saw an ad for pizza, cheese sticks and a lava cake at a value price!! This is ridiculous. It cost $1500.00 extra a year to insure someone obese. Primary care doctors are becoming a rarity. We are a country blessed with brilliant minds in medicine. Federal regulations make clinical trials and research a long, red tape process. Private researcher have made the best strides in new developments and cures. We need to focus on prevention and taking control over risk factors we can.
The AMA has had a turf battle with Nursing over Nurse Practitioners as providers for primary health needs.Last July, Massachusetts passed a law making nurse practitioners primary care providers.This law was sponsored by Christine Caravan,an NP and MA state rep. There is a lot of abuse in the welfare and social security programs. Private insurance companies have case managers that are usually RN's that help manage and guide patients through treatments. I read that only 15% of Americans are uninsured. I am not sure if illegals are in that group. This is a complicated issue that cannot be solved by dollars alone.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post Terry Brum!

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

I was referring to your typical politician who flip flops on issues. I am not a politician. I like policy and voicing my opinion concerning different issues. I was just stating I do not compromise my own personal convictions and principles like a "typical" politician.

Bill Trimble said...

Terry, it is indeed a complicated issue. Perhaps that explains why a bill would be 1000 pages. 15% of Americans is 52 million people. Other nations have much smaller numbers. The bill which cleared the House committees has incentives for primary care, establishes a board to define best practices and procedures which may help with defensive medicine, encourages electronic medical records, and many other things.
Unfortunately rather than debate the merits we have been stuck with discussing things that are not in the bill like death panels, coverage for illegal aliens, government funded abortions, etc.
We'll see what the President has to say tonight and what gets passed in the Congress.