Sunday, February 28, 2010

Public employee benefits

The Boston Globe had a long article today about public employee health care benefits.
Blue Mass Group has a post by David about that article and about extra pay for clerk magistrates.
At one time, municipal employees were not paid very well. Some still are not. While they were paid less, ...

... the security of the work and benefits offset the pay somewhat. I think today many public employees are paid on par with the private sector and also enjoy a generous retirement and benefit package.
I believe that public employee benefits must be reduced or the number of public employees will shrink. We can't afford the same benefits and the same number of employees. We will have less of one or the other.


Anonymous said...

Now now Bill, You know they want it both ways. And when you challenge the tax and spenders to put an override on the ballot to support what they want to spend? They run to your blog and say "Bill is the only one calling for overrides!"

Anonymous said...

Bill, from your article Taxpayers now underwrite as much as 89 percent of active employees’ premiums in some of the state’s largest cities, while private-sector employers often cover less than 70 percent, local and state data show.

Dartmouth pays the state minimum of 50 % HOW can you even compare the 2?

You are being silly.