Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pay as You Throw in the news

The Wall Street Journal has an article today about Pay As You Throw being proposed in Plymouth. Seems it is not being well received. The numbers in Dartmouth are excellent with...

... nearly a 50% reduction in trash sent to the landfill. I think that alone makes the program an unqualified success. I still would like to see private haulers investigated to reduce the cost. Mr. Michaud is working with the county sheriff on ways to increase the value of our recyclables by further sorting using inmate labor. That could also help to bring down the cost. Thanks to Norm P. for the tip on the article.


Anonymous said...

cans with town seal, get rid of the earth unfriendly crappy orange bags. Cans that's how other communities do it like $100 per can a year.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice how much trash is out on curbs in NB, and how ABC lkeaves crap all over place, lingering trash...And how NB people hardly recycle. They need can PAYT.

Anonymous said...

From what I've heard, ABC does its recycling after they gather the stuff. They separate it.I go through many NB neighborhoods that are nice and clean, so I'm not sure we should blame ABC.