Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Police contracts

Curt Brown has details of a tentative contract between the town and the Police Brotherhood on his blog and in an S-T article. Links here and here. The contract is for two years and covers FY08 (the police have worked without a contract in FY08) and FY09. The contract will expire at the end of FY09 at the same time as other union contracts allowing the town to negotiate them at the same time. It has been signed by the Select Board. The contract is tentative because it must be funded by Town Meeting in order to take effect. The appropriation will be on the warrant for the Fall Town Meeting. The terms are similar to the current in most aspects. Compensation will be increased by 2% for each year of the contract. There is no provision for a cost of living increase(COLA). The pay increases are 2%. The other changes were ...

... a uniform allowance which the Brotherhood waived for this contract and a change in wording regarding overtime pay in leap years which had been a source of contention and may have been headed to arbitration.
The Select Board has also agreed to a contract with the Chief of Police. That contract is for three years and covers FY08,09,and FY10. The Police Chief had also been working without a contract. The Chief will not receive a pay increase over his present compensation. His contract is essentially unchanged. The Chief has indicated that he plans to retire at the end of his contract.
In other news about the police department, the General Court recently passed special legislation reorganizing the Dartmouth Police Department and the governor has signed that legislation. A special act was required to do this because the department is organized under civil service law. The new organization will have a Chief, a Deputy Chief, one captain, three patrol lieutenants, three patrol sargeants, and patrolmen. The current force has two captains, no deputy, and two lieutenants, I think. The upshot of the reorganization is that the town stands to save money on overtime and it provides a streamlined chain of command. Kudos to Chief Pacheco for his leadership in getting this done.


Anonymous said...

Someone told me that they drove by the police station tonight and they were putting in an irrigation system. I never heard anything about this. Is it true? All I heard was that they were going to pave the parking lot. If true, do we really need a plush lawn for the P.D.?

Anonymous said...

Last night (Tuesday), at approx. 4:50 p.m., I drove by the police station. There was a landscape company at work outside. There is good money, hard-earned, that was voted approval for in the override. Who allowed this??