Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rally for health care reform, Labor Day, Boston Common

UPDATE: Was supposed to be at the Common -- now starting @ Park Square, Boston, near the Arlington T stop on the Green Line.
Find details about this rally at this Blue Mass Group post

Labor Day Rally for Health Care Reform 11AM Boston Common. Be there!


Popcorn said...

Hey Ray Medeiros, Did you read the Standard Times opinion piece where they endorse real pension reform? The tide is getting stronger. How long do you plan to swim against it?

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...
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Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

I never stated I was against pension reform, I applaude our Govenor for closing loop holes in our system, such as the one day rule. What alot of people seem to forget is that in Massachusetts and towns across the state, the employee's only source of retirement is a pension, they dont receive social security and the also dont receive medicare when they retire. Sure I would be for a 401K type plan if the employee could also contribute to social security and receive medicare. In the private sector, employees with a 401K plan the employer contributes and they also receive soc sec and medicare,so if we can compromise on that I will agree. Give the Government employees a 401K plan and also allow them to get Social Security and Medicare.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

If we're going to have a successful democratic society, we have to have a well educated and healthy citizenry".
- - Thomas Jefferson

Popcorn said...

Ray, Closing a couple loopholes is not real pension reform. I am talking about changing public employees to the 401k and social security system that the rest of us have. Judging by your post, you are against this type of change. Your slippery response won't change that. Here comes that rip tide Ray.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

popcorn, with all due respect you didn't read my ENTIRE post. I said I will back a 401K type pension for public employees if and only if they can receive Social Security and Medicare like the rest of us in the Private sector, if you put a public employee on a 401K pension without Soc sec and medicare that is just setting the retirees up for financial failure. GIVE THEM WHAT YOU HAVE,whih is a 401K soc sec and medicare and I will back you up, until then I have no interest in risking the retiement of our retirees.

Popcorn said...

Ray, I was referring to the fact that you stated you be willing to COMPROMISE and accept 401k's for public employees. If you were never against pension reform, why would you consider it a compromise? This is the problem I have with you. You are always trying to be slippery instead of making your stand. Obviously they would have to be entered into social security and medicare. Now that you are willing to "compromise", would you be willing to sign a proclamation sent to our state legislators demanding that municipalities have the option to give their employees 401k's with ss and medicare like the rest of us?