Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Select Board meeting thoughts

Kudos to Ed Iacaponi who filled in as interim Executive Administrator while a new Executive Administrator was hired.
The hearing for the wind turbine project was postponed to a future date. There were a fair number of people, perhaps 50, there for the hearing. Siting issues was the reason for the postponement.
The majority of the meeting was taken up on discussion of the Town Meeting warrant for October 20th. Thirteen articles were proposed and 12 were advanced. The article to bond for the wind turbines was dropped as it appears that the permit will not be finalized by the Town Meeting. There was extensive discussion about fees ...

... and whether or not to eliminiate some of them, which fees to eliminate and what amount to dedicate to that effort. In the end, the Board decided to provide $52,000 to reduce fees for the Park Department contingent upon the Park Board voting to reduce those fees. The funds were diverted from various other budget supplement line items. The Finance Committee will review the warrant on Thursday and weigh in with their recommendations to Town Meeting.
I will publish the warrant when I get the updated copy.


frank1 said...

The installation of commercial wind turbines on the SouthCoast goes forward without written notification to residential homes around the commercial wind turbine.The attempted installation of these turbines as close as 600 feet from residential homes in other towns has started lawsuits and environmental studies paid for by the residents around the turbines!

The state is in the process of trying to pass the Massachusetts Wind Energy Siting Reform Act . This act takes your residential rights and prevents local town bylaws from controlling commercial wind turbine projects in residentially zoned locations.

The wind turbines are placed using the metric system .The bottom line is a wind turbine with a 100m pole and a twenty foot base could be as high as 480 feet ! The information released to the public should be released feet and yards so the public gets an understanding of the height of these turbines. For example this turbine in Dartmouth is higher than a ten story building >

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