Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Community Preservation Committee looking for volunteers

From Mr. Baker Smith of the Community Preservation Committee writes,

Barry Walker wrote to me yesterday to let me know that he has been appointed to FinCom and will need to step down from the Community Preservation Committee. In the few months that Barry has been on the committee he has been very active and made important contributions to the committee's work.
On behalf of the CPC, I would hope that there would be a short period of time to solicit interest in serving on the committee and then timely action by the Select Board in appointing Barry's replacement. The Select Board has been very supportive in the past year and has been very thoughtful in making appointments to the CPC.
I am putting out feelers to encourage people who may be interested to submit a letter to the Select Board. If you receive inquiries into serving on the CPC and people would like more information on our work, please have them email me. Perhaps we could check in around early December to see if there is a pool of candidates who have submitted letters. I know the Select Board would like to have a choice and I think that a vetting of candidates would be very helpful. Does this sound like a reasonable way to proceed?


The Community Preservation Committee has an important role in deciding what projects to fund with receipts ...

... from a surcharge on our property taxes and the matching state portion. If you are interested, please forward a letter of interest to Mr. Cressman at the Select Board office or Mr. Baker Smith.


barrywalker said...

CPC is a great way for someone to serve their community. It is not extremely controversial but just enough to make it interesting. The future appointee is sure to find the other committee members to be a pleasure to serve with. The chair, Mr. Baker-Smith, puts a great deal of work into the committee and does it all with a smile and a keen sense of humor.

I would highly recommend anyone who wants to get involved with town government in a constructive manner, to send in their letter of interest.

Peter Friedman said...


Thanks for your service on CPC and I look forward to working with you on FinCom.

Anonymous said...

I hope there are some good applicants for this position. The CPC does good work. It needs good people.