Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Turbine forum postponed

At the request of Mr. Watson of the Select Board, the public forum to discuss the town's wind turbine project will be postponed to Dec 9th. The venue has not been set for the 9th. Mr. Watson wanted to allow more time to review the final siting propsal from Atlantic Design. The proposal is due to be released on Nov 20th.

I'll keep you informed of further developments hese as I get them.


frank1 said...

Does this mean the open forum to discuss the Dartmouth Wind Turbine Project on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 in the Dartmouth Middle School auditorium (next door to Town Hall) on Slocum Road from 7-9 PM has been changed or is that still on ?

This most recent post says " At the request of Mr. Watson of the Select Board, the public forum to discuss the town's wind turbine project will be postponed to Dec 9th."

There are several people announcing these meetings a Wind Consultant ,Chairman of the AEC and now Mr.Watson . It was my understanding the Dec 2 meeting had already been drafted and the detailed agenda for the forum was sent out!

ASAP. Where will the Dec 9th meeting be held or are these different meetings ?

You wonder why people are not informed about these meetings . No doubt the report won't be ready by Nov 20 th and a new date will be set . Time to inform the public .


Ronald DiPippo, Ph.D.

Ronald DiPippo, Ph.D.
Chairman, Dartmouth Alternative Energy Committee


Mr. Watson of the Select Board

Anonymous said...

thats right its about 345 feet (or a 1/4 mile) from town hall to DMS as the blade flies. Thanks for clearing that up Frank. Time for your medication , the sky is falling

Bill Trimble said...

The December 2nd meeting is rescheduled to Dec 9th. We are checking for availability of the meeting spaces in the schools and will announce where the meeting will occur when finalized. Hope that clears it up.

Anonymous said...

Frank1, do you wear tin foil in your hat to prevent aliens from reading your thoughts or are wind turbines the only thing you're paranoid about?

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought. Watch the Select Board meetings and you'll find out exactly what is happening. Mr. Watson and company explaned very clearly why the date was being pushed back one week. If you got off the blog and watchede/attended meetings, you'd be better informed. Just because you are misinformed doesn't mean the rest of us are.

frank1 said...

Then this meeting will be with town officials to establish a public outreach program to provide public education on the project and the anticipated benefits/impacts, develop and evaluate/address the concerns of any neighborhood opposition to the project.
Good recommendation. See you at the meeting !

frank1 said...

Do you think it's ethical to have a Select Board Member on the Alternative Energy Committee ? Would the Select Board Member vote or excuse themselves on Alternative Energy Committee votes ? N D

Anonymous said...

What about having the EA on as well. Michael Gagne was also on the Committee, and may still be, although his playground is now Mattapoisett.

Anonymous said...

The EA is ex officio, well at least ED I was.

Anonymous said...

Wonder, though, if Michael Gagne is still on the committee, considering he is no longer EA of Dartmouth. Is he on it as a "private citizen"? Is Nathalie on it as a "private citizen" as well, and both of their positions in town government had/have nothing to do with being on the committee? No problem, just curious.

Anonymous said...


Your help is needed immediately to stop a last-minute rush to pass the Wind Energy Siting Reform Act.

This special interest legislation is being jammed through by Energy & Environment Secretary Ian Bowles in the waning hours of this year's legislative session. He wants a vote by the close of Wednesday, and he's putting tremendous pressure on the legislators to approve the Act. It could reach the floor for a vote tomorrow, Tuesday.

A revised version of the Act was released last week. While there have been some very modest improvements, the fundamental problems remain.

The Act still allows wind developers to go to the state Energy Facilities Siting Board for expedited comprehensive permits regardless of decisions by local boards.

It still replaces state environmental laws with standards established by the EFSB - which that agency can apply or waive at its sole discretion.

It still eliminates almost all traditional rights of participation and appeal for communities and citizens.

This month's National Geographic Traveler magazine ranks the Berkshires in a tie for 7th place among 133 destinations worldwide. It extols this place for its "well-protected natural beauty," describing it as an "important area for cultural tourism in a beautiful environmental setting." Cape Cod is also on the list of top destinations.

All that could be lost if our ability to shape the character of our communities is stripped away by the Wind Energy Siting Reform Act.

Some legislators, Senator Ben Downing among them, hope to find a compromise on the Act. Respectfully, I have to say that is unrealistic. The Act's purpose is to block local opposition and fast-track wind facilities, and it's targeted at onshore areas with more wind, namely the Berkshires and the coast and islands. Several revisions of the Act have confirmed that Secretary Bowles is undeterred from using it to achieve the governor's goal of 2,000 MW of wind by 2020.

Please act now by contacting your legislators. They need to hear from you right away, preferably by phone, but also by email.

Please tell them that 1.) you oppose this Act, 2.) you want them to oppose it, and 3.) you want them to ask their colleagues to oppose it.

If you are in Senator Downing's district, it is particularly important that he hears from you right away. Representatives Guyer and Pignatelli have expressed their opposition to the Act, but they need to be supported with calls from you, and reminded to contact their colleagues.

Please also call the Senate and House leaders. Their names and numbers are below.

Please call Governor Patrick, too. He needs to hear your outrage at this power grab by his administration!