Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.
--WT Purkiser

Let us especially remember those who serve today, who can't be home with family to feast and give thanks. Thank you to the cop, the fireman, the soldier, sailor and airman, the nurse, and many others. You deserve our thanks and gratitude.

Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.
--Erma Bombeck


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the Indians

Dartmouth was settled about November, 1652, but the purchase had evidently been
made some six months before because on March 7, 1652, a meeting was held at Plymouth
of the proprietors, thirty-four in number, each share comprising about 3,200 acres. This
deed is signed by Wamsutta, and for the colonists by John Winslow and John Cooke.
The deed in part reads as follows:

The first settlements were in Russells Mills, Slocum Neck, and Smith Neck, called
Nomquid by the Indians. Shortly after, however, the colonists ranged from the mother
settlement and established in Smith Mills, Fairhaven and lastly New Bedford.

“Since 1970, Native Americans have gathered at noon on Cole’s Hill in Plymouth to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. Many Native Americans do not celebrate the arrival of the Pilgrims and other European settlers. To them, Thanksgiving Day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of their people, the theft of their lands, and the relentless assault on their culture. Participants in the National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. It is a day of remembrance as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.”

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Bill, and to your wife and family. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone else out there, as well. Despite everything global, national, and local, we still have a lot to be thankful for. Peace, everyone.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Dartmouth!!! Things are going quite well in our town and we have much to be thankful for.

Anonymous said...

I have heard Ray Medeiros is heading up a drive to provide essentials to our troops overseas, does anybody know anything about this. I think he wants to send the stuff out by Christmas

Anonymous said...

Let me must be the same person that runs down little kittens in the road. Instead of bitching about someone trying to do some good, why don't you get off your fat ass and do something that may help someone else.

Anonymous said...

Ray seems to be an up and coming leader in this town. I believe I read in this blog that he may run for state rep. then again it is a blog, so who knows if it's true or just rumors.

He seems to take intiative on issues he believes in, like the flag by-law and this military support drive.

Does anyone know anything about his policies?
from what I have read in the S-T he is for working families but what about education reform. I hope he isn't just about teachers and focuses on the kids.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

what does that have to do with this dicussion?

Anonymous said...

I hope whomever "leads" in this town will be able to think for him or herself, and not be under the influence of others with an agenda. We may have that problem already within the Select Board: schools and override. I hope that whomever gets elected/reelected in the next Select Board election in 2010 will REALLY work in the best interest of the town, and not just give that lip service and overwork the words. It sounds good, but one needs the action to back it up. I personally can't see how things like contracts for life and urging lawsuits against the town are in the best interest of the town, but then, that is just my opinion.

Yet that is precisely what one of our current Board members approved of and suggested. Okay, that is in our best interest, how??

At any rate, whomever leads in our town needs to remain unbiased and that, unfortunately, is difficult to do, I will admit. But to come to the table with a strong agenda (override, schools, and whatever else a newcomer might have in mind) is not working in our best interest if their agenda and personal interest are not separated from what is needed for the town to function efficiently and with the well-being of all of us in mind.

I think the past few years in our town government should be a wakeup call for all of us. We have to expunge the good ol' boy politics and politicians and be wary that we do not elect anyone who still is or could be influenced by them, and we need to be extremely cautious that our Select Board does not become an extension of the School Committee. There is a danger in both, and if there is any possibility of avoiding that danger, we should do so. As it stands, that danger could become a reality even now, with our current Select Board, if we allow it.

This is the time for careful scrutiny of candidates for election/reelection. The need to thoroughly examine what each candidate stands for, and his or her prior voting record, if the candidate is up for reelection, is crucial.

And we should continue to question our current Board members' philosophies, as well, and hold them accountable to working for the well-being of the entire town, and not just a certain segment of their constituents.

We can't afford situations like the contracts-for-life or the Gagne nonrenewal/Board member recall fiasco. We cannot forget the turmoil caused by the former when it was revealed to the public, and we should not forget the outright hatred and venom spewed at three of our Board members at the time of Mr. Gagne's nonrenewal of his contract.

Nor should we forget the division and hostility among residents over the $8 million+ override, where residents were literally pitted against residents, and those whose agenda was so pro-school that even their children were encouraged to display disrespectful behavior and curse and use foul language as well. It was not one of the town's finest moments, to say the least.

Is it quite possible that the good ol' boy politics is still alive and well in Dartmouth, as are the politicians, whether in office currently or not, or whether on the sidelines "discussing" politics with those who are?

Are we happy with that?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Ray has connections to the old boy network, if that is what you are alluding too. He's a young guy and most of those old boy politicians are....OLD. Ray seems to have his own mind from what I have read about him.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else sick and tired of listening to Ray talk about himself? This is like a two year old begging for attention.

Anonymous said...

I know ray doesn't have many friends on this blog, but not many people post on here either, so we can easily weasel out those who post stuff against him.

Anonymous said...

Just like we can point out if Ray posts about himself.

Anonymous said...

12:52, I don't know who has connections with whom, but I wouldn't rule anything out, nor would I take anything for granted.

Sometimes you have to wonder, especially when names are linked with other names. It doesn't hurt to explore the possibility of "connections" or good ol' boys, or consider who has an agenda or may be working for someone's agenda. (And that agenda could well be bringing back the good old days. Think about it.)

I think consideration should be given to the fact that anyone, young or old, could come under the "influence" of someone else, especially if he or she considers that person his or her "mentor." Frankly, if it's one of the good ol' boys "mentoring" someone, we should all watch out.

I have no clue who, if anyone, is listening to whom, nor who, if anyone, has connections, but, again, you can't rule out the possibility of either.

Plus OLD equates with the Gagne years and the "keep it as it is" mentality because "nothing is broken." What's the possibility that some people in our government still think that way, or that some residents still think that way, and would like to see a comeback of those good old days?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when candidates for the Select Board can take out papers?

Anonymous said...

After Christmas, but most candidates wait until last minute