Friday, November 20, 2009

Final permit available for wind turbine project

Atlantic Design Engineers have comleted the permit application for the wind turbine project and the final release is available at the Town Hall and Southworth Library. Don't know if it has been posted to the town website yet.

And here is the rest.


Anonymous said...

Looks like the Nov 20th deadline was met.

frank1 said...

The plans appear to be modifications of a plan that took five years to come up with along with turbines that will be about sixty feet higher than the original request.There was a post earlier in the week with question that were never addressed . Any answers :


1. Have the 400 resident abutters in the radius of the wind turbines been notified about the shadow flicker / strobe affect on their residential property locations?

2. Has the Town of Dartmouth distributed an information package or done any mailings such as include wind turbine locations or informed its citizens through a uniform method such as inserts in tax bills about the new wind turbine plan?

3. Has the town attorney addressed the issue of shadow flicker from a commercial wind turbine in which it will constitute a taking of property rights of residential property and just compensation for loss of part of all the owners bundle of property rights?

4. How has the plan to develop and evaluate/address the concerns of any neighborhood opposition to the project been addressed? Should homeowners ask the town for an assessment now prior to the turbine installation to guarantee no future real estate loss?

5. It was stated in a Standard Times story that the turbines could be put on timers or simply shut off if shadow flicker/strobe affect were to affect residential homes. After the turbines are installed who sets the turn off time on the timers? Who's in charge?

6. Are the timer shut down periods included in the feasibility study of the turbines?

7. What has been done to address homeowners issues in the area of the Chase Road site that are concerned about noise, a flicker effect caused by the blades of the turbines, their sleep being disturbed and a possible drop in valuations of their homes?

8. What action plan is there for a wind turbine fire, transmission leak and / or catastrophic collapse failure? Example: Altona,NY wind collapse.

9. If the town is allowed to sell power back to the electric company at a future date will it require the upgrade (larger or another set of electric poles) of the electric infrastructure in the Chase Road locations?

10. How will the Town of Dartmouth select a wind turbine company that for example is not a penny stock company or may not be in business a few years down the road?

The designer selection law, M. G. L. c. 7, §§38A½-O ("Designer Selection Law"), requires municipalities and other local public agencies to adopt written designer selection procedures, which must be used when contracting for design services for any building construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling or repair project that has an estimated construction cost of more than $100,000 and design services are required.

Anonymous said...

There is a letter to the S-T today 11/21/09 which appears to have been written prior to the new wind turbine plans as it has appeared in other news outlets this week.
Any input? Is this letter premature in light of the newest plans on 11/20/09? If the town did nor receive the new plans until Nov 20 how could this letter be written prior to the receipt of the newer plans? The article is in the paper 11/21/09 under Guest View: Dartmouth wind; Facts over fears .This may raise more questions than answers .......

frank1 said...

The Alternative Energy Committee Chairman posted the letter in the Herald News in Fall River on November 18th. Its the same letter that's in the Standard Times today. What has the date got to do with it?

Anonymous said...

In today's edition of The Standard-Times, Dr. DiPippo did a terrific job of explaining a very complicated project in just a few hundred words. My congratulations to him and to the Dartmouth Alternative Energy Committee.

Anonymous said...

You want to make up requirements as we go to suit your needs. It doesn't work that way. The town has a bylaw that spells out how these are permitted and that is being followed.
If a plane flies over my house on a sunny day can I charge the airline for the taking of the sunshine? Please get a grip.
Vestas, the company that makes the turbines, has a market capitalization of 10 billion euros. Get a grip.
What if a falls down? What if it catches on fire? The small amount of flammable material will burn up and then it will be repaired. Either way an insurance claim is filed. Get a grip.
The town does not guarantee real estate values. They declined by 5% last year throughout the town. Get a grip.
A wind turbine is not a building. Why would the town need a building designer? Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

It' s not the head of the AEC that takes any legal responsibility period. The taxpayers voted for this its on them period. If the chairman of the AEC says its going forward then it's going forward period. The chairman calls the shots here period.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to find out who Frank1 is at the turbine forum. Will you stand up and say "I'm Frank1"??

frank1 said...

There will be an open forum to discuss the Dartmouth Wind Turbine Project on Wednesday, December 9, 2009, in the Dartmouth Middle School Auditorium, 366 Slocum Road from 7-9 PM.

Anonymous said...

frnk1 have you read the town bylaw on turbines? Did you participate when that bylaw was being put forward? Have you gone to any oneof the many, many meetings regarding the turbines? Have you asked any questions besides bombarding this blog every chance you get?
Move over frank1 it's time to get the turbines up and running so we can start saving some money. Stop all your nonsensical objections and doomsday scenarios.

Jeff said...

Bill, I ust received the semi-annual water and sewer bill from the town. It seems awfully high. Can you post a simple version of how to calculate the bill based on usage? I realize sewer billing is based on the water usage as well. I just can't reconcile the figures. I have a 1" line. Appreciate anything you can provide to simplify this calculation.

Anonymous said...

Will be at meetin 12/09/09. Need quotes from news answered :

September 02, 2009 12:00 AM

"If it's a problem of flicker, we can just turn it off" two hours a day, Mr. Race suggested to concerned neighbors. Timers could be easily programmed to protect neighbors an hour or two per day, he said, and "I have no problem with that.

"Studies indicated up to 244 homes might be affected by shadow/flicker up to nine hours a year; eight residences might see 10-19 hours per year; and only one home would be potentially subject to 20-29 hours per year. The Pembroke, Longmeadow, and Meadowbrook neighborhoods are in the impact zone, along with a section of Russells Mills Road.

Chairman Dr. Ronald DiPippo felt the same way as Race. "I don't want to impose an impact on anybody living near this turbine; I've said that from the beginning," the chairman said. "If it's a problem for even one or two houses, we'll just shut the bloody thing off," the retired physicist told neighbors at the meeting Wednesday night"

September 29, 2009 12:00 AM

"Homeowners in the area of the Chase Road site said they are concerned about noise, a flicker effect caused by the blades of the turbines, their sleep being disturbed and a possible drop in valuations of their homes.

Anonymous said...

The meeting is on Wednesday December 9th at the DARTMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL. Lets not get people confused here people.

Anonymous said...

To : Bill Trimble

I'm looking at the Town of Dartmouth website for the meeting :

It says ;

"There will be an open forum to discuss the Dartmouth Wind Turbine Project on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 in the Dartmouth Middle School Auditorium, 366 Slocum Rd from 7-9 PM."

Is this the meeting or is there yet another change is the website correct ?

Anonymous said...

Jeff, Call the water dept. and I'm sure they can explain your bill to you. They are the people you should talk to.

Bill Trimble said...

The instructions for calculating your water bill are on the back of the bill. The usage is on the front. Add a zero to the end of the number to find the cu. ft that you used. The first 1600 cu. ft are a minimum charge based upon your meter size. The next 900 cu. ft is charged at a different rate and only upon the actual amount used. If you used more than 2500 cu ft then the usage on the next 900 cu ft is another rate.
If you call the Town Collectors office at 508-910-1806, they will be happy to explain the calculation to you. It helps if you have your bill in front of you at the time.
Let me know if this answered your question or if you need more info.

Burt said...

Wind equals energy. Simply put, some people will never be happy with whatever the town decided to do. I say we go for the biggest, and best wind turbines that will create the greatest amount of energy. The turbines, will be a nice way of keeping deer away from your apples.

Anonymous said...

Are the people that are running the website for the AEC joking around about the meeting ? I just looked it has been changed again to a new loction the High School.

This is the latest until they change the date :

There will be an open forum to discuss the Dartmouth Wind Turbine Project on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 in the Dartmouth High School Auditorium, 555 Bakerville Rd from 7-9 PM

Jeff said...

Thanks Bill. No where on the water bill does it say that the usage is in ccf. They should reference the usage in the same unit of measure they are charging. Either in $/cf or $/ccf.
Thanks again.