Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dr. Howard Dean on health care reform

This is a lengthy interview with Howard Dean, physician, former chair of the DNC and governor of Vermont and past presidential candidate about health care reform. If you have the time, it's worth the education.

Amy Goodman and Democracy Now are the best!


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I am going to listen to Howard Dean!

They threw him out many year's ago.


Anonymous said...

How sad that you have disregarded everything else about Mr. Dean and have let a biased media influence your opinion of him. If you had seen the real footage of the so called "scream", you would have known that the recorded sound was tampered with. Other sources recorded the same footage and the yell was barely audible given that there was a roomful of screaming supporters. Taken out of context, it appeared to be extreme. But of course that's what the media and his opposition wanted. And that's what the good old American people fell for. You know, people like yourself.

Anonymous said...

There were many more problems with Howard Dean than the 'yell'.

Unknown said...

mr anonymous 7:40 couldn't and won't accomplish 1/10th what howard dean has.

Anonymous said...

Did I hear you correctly Anon 9:19PM? Are you saying the media biased me to believe in something or someone? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. What do you think happened 8 months ago? and is still happening now. Our beloved media has not held the chosen one to task yet but it is coming quickly. The american people are very intelligent and are starting to wake up to the mistake they made and are not going tofall for the smoke and mirrors any longer. Mr. Obama has got to go or this country may not survive.

Bill Trimble said...

If we can survive a civil war and 8 years of Chimpy and Fourth Branch trampling the Constitution, I think we can survive a leader who gives the people what they want.

Anonymous said...

There is an elected leader for you. Bill, way to act professionally. As soon as the discussion does not go your way, you resort to name calling and ridiculous obscure references that you and your cronies giggle about in your little revolutionary meetings.

Viva Zapata!

Anonymous said...

Bill is an Obamaton or Obot whichever one you choose.

Obama bin Lyin' is a one term wonder if he makes it that long.

Bill Trimble said...

I have one word for you. TORTURE. It is morally wrong. Bush and Cheney and others in their administration condoned and encouraged torture and should be prosecuted for it. Don't come back with they hate us or they torture or try to kill us. Our leaders allowed people in custody to be tortured. That should have consequences.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:19 p.m. What makes you think I was influenced by the media to support or ignore actions taken by this administration? I am very concerned with Obama's domestic policies and spending. I don't want more government or more taxes which is where we are heading. Unlike the media, I question everything that is happening right now.