Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Former insurance executive on our health care system

A lengthy (hour long) interview with Wendell Potter, former Cigna insurance spokesman. He tells what the corporate interests are and how they advance them.
Hint: it's not your health they're worried about.
Once again, Amy Goodman shows us what we are missing with our current crop of corporate talking heads on network and cable news.

Uncle Walter would be proud.


Anonymous said...

As an independant, there is one point I would like to make. Some are complaining that they don't want the government to tell us what doctors we can see. I think they already do, except it is done through the heavily lobbbied insurance companies.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct. I had to switch health plans and now I can't choose my own doctor. I have a list and guess what? The doctors on that list will not accept new patients. I'm down to one doctor who barely speaks English. That's my choice from my insurance company. I'm sure he is qualified but it is very difficult to converse with someone on such an important matter as my health and not be able to understand everything that is being said.