Saturday, July 18, 2009

Support grows for health reform

This Blue Mass Group post reports that the radical group, the American Medical Association(AMA), has endorsed the health care reform bill currently working its way through the US House committees.
The AMA said,

"This legislation includes a broad range of provisions that are key to effective, comprehensive health system reform."

The House is likely to pass this bill. To pressure Democratic Senators to follow the House lead, go to this website and vote ...

...which Senator should have a TV ad aimed at their constituents which urges their support. Contribute if you can.


Anonymous said...

Please tell your senators not to vote for this bill.

Anonymous said...

Actually Bill, as the facts about Obama care come out fewer and fewer people are happy with it.

In FACT, this week a Time poll showed support for Obama's handling of health care below 50%.

All the facts aren't even out yet and people are running away like rats from a sinking ship.

Bill Trimble said...

Actually a sinking ship is a very apt description of your current system. Those of you who think we will be able to maintain our current model are mistaken. Perhaps you have noticed that your employer has increased deductibles and copays and increased the percentage that you pay. Many have. That will continue because they cannot compete against most other industrial nations whose employers pay nothing for health care.

Anonymous said...

Bill, this legislation allows me to KEEP the insurance I have, granting businesses NO RELIEF.

If I was a town employee the town of Dartmouth would not see a single penny in savings, the same goes with "for profit" businesses.

This is a multi trillion dollar trojan horse that will doom medical advances for the long term.

There are less than 3.7 percent of Americans that cannot afford health care under the current system, not worthy of the huge overhaul and decreased problem solving that will effect medical research.

Anonymous said...

you've got it all wrong anon 9:32, Obama has assured us there will be teams of doctors analyzing each medical decision in an effort to save untold amounts of money and to ride herd on all those pediatricians that automatically call for tonselectomies simupy because the surgeon that actually perfomrs the procedure gets a higher reimbursement rate. You know how those pediatricians like to pad the pockets of their surgical collegues. I suppose those teams of doctors will come for free - oh that's if they come at all.
So in 1 press conference the mighty 'O' managed to malign both the entire medical profession and police departments across the country. Tremendous.