Thursday, July 16, 2009

Senator Bernie Saunders of Vermont gets it right

Is Senator John McCain in favor of socialized medicine? It seems the answer is, yes. Watch this.

Our Senators in Massachusetts are in favor of everyone having health care. If you can exert pressure on other Senators to get health care for everyone, please do it. Thanks.


Popcorn said...

I like Bernie. He is an Independant who seems to have the people's best interest in mind. Much more than I can say for the two major parties and all their special interests.

Ray Medeiros,Jr said...

Bill, can you add a link to the Dartmouth Democratic Town Committee Blog....thanks ahead of time

Anonymous said...

What he fails to mention is how is medicare and medicaid going to be paid for in ten years. All estimates have both in serious trouble,especially with the latest spending bonanza by Obama.

I don't know who he is listening to. Most vets I talk to are unhappy with the care they get from a vets hospital.