Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dueling op ed letters

Select Board Chair Joe Michaud had an op ed letter in the Standard Times where he rebutted an earlier letter from Canadian wind turbine opponent, William Palmer. Michaud noted that even using Mr. Palmer's data, the likelihood of a failure of a wind turbine is remote,

"Using the same probability factors that Palmer uses in opposition to his country's project, we could expect our two turbines to have a catastrophic event once every 323 years."
Mr. Palmer's letter can be found at this link. Mr. Palmer feels the Select Board did not properly assess the detriments to wind power installations. In fact, the Select Board was aware of comments that Mr. Palmer made to an Ontario wind farm application ...

... through a submittal to the public hearing on the permit. You'll note that Mr. Michaud knew the data from Palmer's comment even though it was not included in his op ed letter. The Ontario authorities rejected Mr. Palmer's assessment in the Ontario installation. Mr. Palmer has been advanced as an expert by opponents of the Dartmouth wind project. While a professional engineer, Mr. Palmer's area of expertise is nuclear power, not wind power.
You can read the Ontario comments from Palmer here I will accept Mr. Palmer's calculation regarding the frequency of wind turbine failures. However, his analysis of the likelihood of failure in multiple turbines is flawed. The events are independent. That is an important distinction. Multiple installations do not increase the likelihood of an individual turbine failure. Palmer takes the low probablility of an individual failure (1 in 775 years) and divides it by the number of turbines. That is not statistically valid.
Here is an example. If the probability of a tire blowout for one tire is 1 in 100,000 miles, then what is the probability for your car? By his reckoning it is 100,000 miles divided by 4 since you have four tires or 1 every 25,000 miles. If you have two cars, by his method, the likelihood is 100,000 divided by 8 or 12,500 miles. Do you see the error? The probability remains 1 in 100,000 miles for each tire. It is not lessened by the number of tires. That is because the events in question are independent. Another example would be two fair coins, Fair meaning an equal chance of heads or tails. You flip one and get heads, what is the probability of getting heads when the second coin is flipped? It is 1 in 2. The same as the first coin. The events are independent.


Anonymous said...

Joe usually gets it. Glad he spoke up.

Anonymous said...

For once, Joe is right

Anonymous said...

Re-elect Joe Michaud '10 !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe , Lets hope we remember the eleventh commandment " what goes around comes around " .

Anonymous said...

I thought the eleventh commandment was "thou shalt not speak ill of a felloe Republican"

political t-shirt said...

(political t-shirts for inmates)
When a convicted felon is sent to the county jail, no one asks if they are democrat or republican.
In this posters opinion, if Bristol County inmates ( convicted felons ) were aloud, they would all wear t-shirts supporting John Quinn for sheriff.
John Quinn is running for sheriff because he is sick of the Boston politics. As I hear it, he and the house speaker are not on good terms. It appears that John Quinn has a habit of supporting the wrong person for house speaker. This prevents John Quinn from certain committee chairmanships. Truthfully, I don't blame John Quinn for leaving the state house.
As to why he decided to run for sheriff, only John really knows. I believe it's because of the above mentioned. As it pertains to the state house, John Quinn gets no respect from the house leadership.

John Quinn is a democrat running for sheriff. The Bristol County Southeastern section is heavily democrat. John Quinn is favored to win in the primaries. This will allow John Quinn to expose Sheriff Hodgson, as a spend free, do nothing sheriff, that has caused the county to spend monies on frivolous law suits. John Quinn is a lawyer, he would know about law suites. John Quinn has no law enforcement experience. John Quinn was raised on a privileged estate, with no trespassing and beach privileges for residency only.

Sheriff Hodgson, a military veteran, has been our sheriff for a long time. People may not always agree with Sheriff Hodgson, but most agree that he has kept the bristol county house of correction from becoming a country club. Most inmates, do not want to return back to the bristol county house of correction.

January 14,2010 8:38 AM

Anonymous said...

Mr.Michaud and I have a copy of the letter Mr. Palmer sent in response to Mr. Michaud's rebuttal. If some would like to read it I can forward it as assume Mr. Michaud would not be willing to. It shows that a lawyer is not a professional, licensed, risk assessment engineer experienced in power transmission and doesn't fully understand or even know how to read factual scientific findings. Mr. Palmer will forget more in one day than the AEC will learn in a lifetime. Some of the SB complained that the residents didn't have the qualifications to present the information they did at the meetings. When we got the information from experts, like Palmer and Larwood, they still didn't want to accept it. I have learned way more than I ever wanted to about this whole subject. But I can tell you that I knew the way Dartmouth worked. My dad had honor and was well respected in this town. That honor was something he brought me up with and it's something I will always uphold in my life. I do not resort to any name calling and have treated all with the respect they deserve even when not getting that respect in return. A degree does not make a gentleman and the meetings proved that. Mr. Trimble and I disagree but I know we can still carry on a civil conversation. (Mr. Trimble, the respect issue is not with you or any other SB member) I have presented to this town what I believe and have learned to be correct. I can hold my head high and know that I did my best. Not just for me, or my immediate neighbors, but all other residents of this town and other towns who are faced with projects like this that effect the quality and health of life. Not to mention safety. I would never impose on others to get what I wanted. I just wasn't brought up to treat others like that. It's that honor thing again. Some, on the other hand, don't have that same honor. Some things will never change.
Edward Brito