Saturday, January 16, 2010

Wind turbines popping up everywhere

The Fall River Herald News reports here that Tiverton is considering a wind turbine near Rt 24

I think that we will soon find wind turbines a common sight around the area.


Anonymous said...

YOUR VIEW: Wind benefits outweigh risks
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Joseph L. Michaud is a member of the Dartmouth Select Board.
January 13, 2010 12:00 AM

"Many of the health concerns presented were based upon the anecdotal findings of a physician who had interviewed neighbors of a wind turbine and then self-published her "findings." Her study was never reviewed or published in any medical journal. The "wind turbine syndrome" presented has apparently never manifested itself in Europe despite the presence of thousands of wind turbines.
There were no other medical studies presented by the opponents that caused the Select Board to be significantly concerned about the potential health effects of turbines.
The threats of ice throw and tower collapse cited by Palmer also fail to carry much weight and in fact reinforce the findings of the board in addressing realistic threats. According to Palmer, in his previous opposition to 121 wind turbines in Ontario, he cites a probability study by the Dutch addressing catastrophic events (loss of an entire blade, tower collapse and loss of blade tip)."

"Once the realistic threats to safety are weighed against the overall public benefit, I believe that we made the right decision to move forward on this project."

Anonymous said...

The Dartmouth Select Board claims to have conducted a review and critical synthesis of research related to public health concerns for neighbors exposed to emissions from large-scale commercial wind turbines .The SB finding claims no posing health concerns for neighbors experiencing prolonged exposure to the turbines.

The SB represents the Town of Dartmouth for posing future health concerns for neighbors experiencing prolonged exposure to commercial wind turbines.

The SB members used the term "board weighs options " . What are the full legal terms you agree to by using this comment ?

Anonymous said...

The loan applicant, Town of Dartmouth ,represent that they have received, read, and understand the health notice by the abutting residents of the wind turbines . The realistic threats to safety are weighed against the overall public benefit, and SB members believe that they made the right decision to move forward on this project.

The town should notify the wind turbine contractor and/or the Bank of America 2010 or financial agency of the weighted decision prior to construction .

Anonymous said...

It is all about the money, and secondly, about recognition.

How easily they can "spend" "surplus" turnbacks however.

clean energy now said...

The AEC studied and worked on this project for 5 plus years. They have had numerous open and televised meetings and hearings on this matter. Residents were notified when the AEC finally made a decision where the wind turbines should be placed.
Shame on the residents who stuck their heads in the sand and let others give of their time over the years on various committees and AEC. Wow, they woke up and now they want the whole town to stop so they can catch up!
This project is a win win for our town. The $9 million will be paid of in about 15 years. CLEAN ENERGY! Great for our environment and great for our pocketbooks. This project should go froward. The NIMBYS will stop at nothing, including misinformation.