Monday, January 25, 2010

Special Town Meeting tomorrow.

The Special Town Meeting is tomorrow night at the High School on Bakerville Road. If you are a Town Meeting member please try to attend. It is important that we get a quorum.
The start time is 7PM. The warrant can be found at this link.

See you there.


town meeting member said...

Did anyone else get an anonymous letter today claiming that Watson is Kenny Vincent's puppet and that he is trying to poison the police chief search process by ignoring the recommendations of the outside seach firm by putting an in house candidate back into the selection pool even though he didn't make the cut?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Selection of a police chief has nothing to do with Town Meeting.

Anonymous said...

Here is another excerpt from the anonymous letter---"Kid yourself not. This is being done for two major reasons, one to keep the skeletons in the closet,"

Sounds like 5:49 doesn't want the closet door opened.

David Brownell said...

WTF does this have to do with STM.... anonymous bloggers trust me...some of our highest ranking town officials read this blog ALL THE TIME...and many post anonymous out of fear of retribution because they dont have the balls to put their names on here...if i remember correctly..this was the Gracie/Gilbert Blog last we know the majority of anonymous posters are within their CAMPS....that would be ...WALKER(S),Freidman,Lynam,Sharek and the most VILE person to walk into the SB meeting room...Dianne Gilbert.

Anonymous said...

My,my, this anonymous letter sent out to town meeting members is causing quite a stir already. David, why are you so upset?

Anonymous said...

Contracts for life: sweet deal.
Exposed contracts for life: grudges held against those responsible for bringing them to light.

Too bad.

Dartmouth wants better. Dartmouth deserves better.

Anonymous said...

The players in that contract fiasco did the residents of Dartmouth a great disservice. Why shouldn't it have been brought to light?

Anonymous said...

I never said it was or wasnt a disservices....all i am saying is the anonymous bloggers on here attacking elected officials or average guys...are most likely the SAME OLD CREW...GILBERT,WALKER(S),MICHAUD,LYNAM,FREIDMAN and SHAREK. they are all in bed together...all part of the same crew....this blog is just a cheering board for them because nobody ELSE will do it.

Anonymous said...

The nickname around town for this blog is the "bitching post".

contracts for life...LMAO. It over it's done with...and the person who initiated the investigation...IS OUT OF OFFICE(GILBERTO).

I know the rest of the board will try and take some credit...but that was ALL GILBERT.

Barry Walker said...

To David Brownell,

Reading your post with my name in capital letters is disturbing to me. It seems as though you are accusing me of one or more of the previous anoymous posts. While I respect your willingness to attach your name to allegations, you are making an irresponsible accusation. The search for a new police chief is up to the Select Board and I have no knowledge of what has been going on in their executive sessions. Only time will tell and this is a good example of why executive session minutes should be made public when approriate.

Rest assured Mr. Brownell. If I have something to say that I feel is in the best interest of our town, I'm not afraid to say it. The difference between you and I is that I won't resort to namecalling and profanity.

Anonymous said...

....all i am saying is the anonymous bloggers on here attacking elected officials or average guys...are most likely the SAME OLD CREW...

The people you are accusing of attacking town officials are all town officials themselves except for one and she served for several years.

David Brownell said...

Thanks Barry....once again you have showed everyone that you sit on this blog all day,,,waiting to pounce...whether it be anonymously attacking or putting your name on the title.

As for me using your name in CAPS...there wasn't any ill intentions...would you have responded if it were different?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the SB meeting tonight. It looks like the anonymous letter sent to town meeting members was right. Watson DID try to circumvent the selection process along with Mrs Dias. The attempt failed. Now we just need to find out what the skeletons are.

To Barry, sorry you are taking the heat for me on this but I am not in a position to say who I am. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

barry is an anti-healthcare reform, anti-Obama ...loon

Anonymous said...

Bill, your choice of the word "meddling" was perfectly correct. Do not apologize for being right. If people haven't figured out yet that Watson is being led by the "good ole boy" network, then they are asleep at the wheel.

The Select Board chose to go through a process to hire the new police chief. Now Watson & Dias want to "meddle" in the process and hire someone the way Michael Gagne was hired. He was eliminated twice for the EA job but Miller & John George kept telling the search committee to put him back in the pool. Deja Vu all over again. Thank goodness the rest of the Select Board is looking out for the residents.

Anonymous said...

Like the New EA getting paid THOUSANDS more than the previous guy...couldn't we get a cheaper guy...COME JOE I thought you were a fiscal conservative

Anonymous said...

Does signing your name to a posting give you the right to be profane and abusive?

Anonymous said...

I believe that Cressmans contract is very close to what Gagne was making when he was shown the door.

Cressman has more experience, a masters in public administration and managed the budget for Hartford so he is probably worth more than someone who has an environmental science degree from SMU and never took any other courses to advance himself (actually why would you with a lifetime contract I guess)but did a great job shoveling possums for 125K and never worked in any other place but good ole Dartmouth!
Mattapoisett was right 80K and a one year deal! Dartmouth is moving on!

Anonymous said...

Cressman was kicked out of tewksbury...he couldnt have been that good

Anonymous said...

Actually Barry stands up for what he thinks is right. I sometimes disagree but I certainly admire his tenacity and willingness to take a stand.

David talks a good game but I have never seen him take a stand on a tough issue or offer any solutions to what he perceives as ailing our town. He is I am afraid to say a valuable cog in the good ole boy network that opposes any change in the power structure.

Anonymous said...

Actually they had a change in leadership that wished change in their community and when his contract was not renewed, didn't go kicking and screaming out the door costing his town thousands that we had to pay to get Gagne to go away.

There were never any issues involving breach of the public trust like there were with Gagne. David appears to be hardworking and all of the reviews I have heard give him excellent marks for organization, leadership and focus on the future.

There really is no honest comparision between the two.

Anonymous said...

We are fortunate to have Mr. Cressman. He has no original ties to the community, so he comes in with an unbiased viewpoint and as he experiences governing Dartmouth and gets acquainted with townspeople as well as town employees, he will recognize the players and their games. He is a smart man and Dartmouth politics is not his game.

Anonymous said...

I wrote the anonymous letter. I am a spy at Sunrise Bakery and I report back to the good guys. Watson will do anyTHING. You just pull his STRING. He's Kenny's puppet.

Saul said...

Pleese except my apology for my senseless nasty posts last night. As you all know I am mentally unstable and sometimes I dont take my meds because they make me drowsy. I took them today and I made an appointment with my psychiatrist for this afternoon. Hopefully I will be stable enough to go to town meeting tonight without losing it on the nimbys.

Anonymous said...

See once again, the highest elected officials in this town( part of the NEW good ol boy) network is attacking regular citizens AGAIN....walker(S)"not in CAPS now" freidman,lynam,sharek, we go again!!

Anonymous said...

The old timers that ran this town for decades out of a bar room will never give up. They ran this town into the ground financially. They took care of their relatives and buddies at the expense of the taxpayer. And now, it's everybody else's fault we have problems. You can't make this stuff up!

Anonymous said...

Why does Saul Raposo continue to behave like this when everyone in town knows that it is him? Although Watson's true colors are starting to show, he ran a clean campaign and can't be happy about how Saul is behaving on his behalf. Watson could have weathered the "meddling" controversy much better without this buffoon spewing his nonsense. I don't mind a little hardball but let's at least stick to the issues.

Anonymous said...

This thread is funny. I couldn't care less who gets appointed as police chief but can we refer to this as "MEDDLEGATE"?

Anonymous said...

I think a better choice would have been trying to "corrupt" the process. Bill was being kind. Nat gets very upset when she gets called out for her "backroom deals". Remember her little notebook/calender she pulled out when the lawyer's notes came back showing Nat was part of the contracts for life shinanigans? Boy she sure was upset then and she was upset last night when she pretended to be offended. Thank goodness she will be gone. Now as things unfold, we will soon learn that Watson is cut from the same cloth and working with the same people.

Anonymous said...

Ain't it awful when you get caught? Life's a b---h.

Then ya gotta backpeddle like h--l.

(I'm just not into using profanity, even of the "gentlest" kind.)

Anonymous said...

So many posters were upset with Diane Gilbert and Bill Trimble chatting together during meetings, and had no trouble denouncing them for it.

Ever watch the Dias-Watson twosome sharing a joke or a comment?

As an aside: Do any of these people realize their mikes are on?

Anonymous said...

What an embarassment...Somebody posting as Saul. This was not Saul Raposo- just another disgruntled bitching post blogger who has to attack those who disagree.

Anonymous said...

Do you think anyone will spill the beans on this wind turbine project?

If we are to make real strides toward achieving the Governor's and the ISO region’s renewable energy capacity goals, the Tariff needs to set the highest reasonable Rate Class for community wind and other eligible projects. Otherwise, we risk that most if not all of these projects will not be financially feasible, will be unable to get financing, and will never be built.

Thank you for your consideration of these comments. B r ,

Ronald DiPippo, Ph.D. Chairman, Dartmouth Alternative Energy Committee

Members of the Dartmouth Alternative Energy Committee: Edward F. Iacaponi, Ex-Officio; Nathalie Dias, Kevern Joyce, Arthur Larrivee, Paul Lopes, Raymond Medeiros, Roger Race, Saul Raposo and Joseph Sousa

Cc/ Mark D. Marini, Secretary, Department of Public Utilities, One South Station, Boston, Massachusetts, 02110 (Original + 2 copies, mailed)

John K. Habib, Esq., Keegan