Saturday, March 20, 2010

Commonwealth may have to make cuts before July

The Boston Globe reported in this article that the state may have to make additional cuts in the current year budget. The shortfall of somewhere between $195 to $295 million is said to be due to increased demand at homeless shelters, for MassHealth, and lower than expected revenue and federal aid. The Commonwealth is not allowed by our Constitution to have deficit spending in a fiscal year. The Governor made cuts in October ...

... and the deficit may require added cuts before the end of June. Coming this late in the fiscal year, the cuts have to be done soon and be fairly steep in order to reach the target in the remaining few months on the fiscal year. The article did not give an indication as to where the reductions might fall.


Anonymous said...

How many more punches can cities and towns before they are driven into a collective coma?

Anonymous said...

We need leaders on Bacon Hill who understand that out current budget is unsustainable and that we need to reduce spending. It is the new fiscal reality and the sooner we realize that the better we can plan for it.

Anonymous said...

How much is attributable to MassHealth? Is that insurance for all bankrupting us? Can't wait for it to take hold across the country.

Anonymous said...

What is hurting us, is uninsured people who show up at the ER! We all pay big bucks when people use the ER as a clinic because they don't have insurance.
Glad to be part of this historic time, U.S. Health Care for ALL!

Anonymous said...

I agree w/ Anonymous 09:20. Let's keep taking care of the 14 year-old inner-city pregnant girl, whose mother encouraged her to "belly-up," so that she can suck some more out of the welfare, and now, healthcare system (i.e.: the pockets and wallets of the hard working middle-class). Does Obama's new healthcare plan pay for birth control? Maybe it should. Yet another chapter in The Audacity of a Dope!

Anonymous said...

I agree there are so many things wrong with our health care system. The main one being the cost but this bill does nothing to correct that. Sure, everyone should have health insurance. I don't mind paying for those who can't afford it, hell I'm paying for it anyway. However, how much more am I going to have to pay? Since Mass. adopted its mandated health care, I am now paying over three times more than before. I had insurance that I was very happy with. I could choose my own doctors. I had catastrophic coverage which was comparable to the 80/20 policies that most people have. I paid out of pocket for office visits, dental and such. I had no problem doing so. However, Mass. decided my plan was not acceptable and I had to buy one of its state approved policies. How has this helped me? I am still only one serious illness away from going broke but I am paying a lot more for the privilege.

By the way, I believe Mass.'s new mandated health care program is seriously in the red.